Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas Fullilove BENNETTAge: 56 years17501806

Thomas Fullilove BENNETT
Given names
Thomas Fullilove
Birth about 1750
MarriageElizabeth BENNETTView this family
1784 (Age 34 years)
Note: Information taken from Bennett Family on Genforum
Death about 1806 (Age 56 years)

Information taken from Bennett Family on Genforum

by Don Bennett, Feb 13, 2010

Thomas Fullilove Bennett married Elizabeth Bennett in 1784. There is a Bedford Co. marriage bond for Thomas Bennett and Elizabeth Perry. This appears to be a second marriage for both. Below are my notes on Thomas Fullilove Bennett

The father of Thomas Fullilove Bennett is Richard Bennett who died in Granville Co., NC in 1786. He left a will dated 5 Mar 1785 and probated 1786 (WB 1:268-269) He names a wife Anne, sons Thomas, Micajah, Bartlett, Lewis, Peter, and William and daughters Frances Bush, Anna Duke and Sarah Estis. I have no documentation of Anne's maiden name.

On 10 Nov 1772 Joseph Bush sold 100 acres of land to Thomas Fultilove(sic) Bennett (Albemarle Co., VA DB 6:64-66). Frances Bush acknowledged the right of dower. Frances is the daughter of Richard Bennett and is named in his will as noted above. This provides the connection between the Bennetts of Albemarle County, Va and Granville Co. NC. Richard and at least four of his children, Micajah, Bartlett, Thomas Fullilove, and Frances Bush, are living in Albemarle Co. at this time.

On 9 Nov 1779 Thomas F. Bennett and his wife Elizabeth sold this same tract of land to Robert Richeson (Albemarle Co., VA DB 7:403-405) This shows that Thomas Fullilove Bennett's wife was named Elizabeth. Most researchers believe that Thomas Fullilove Bennett married Elizabeth Perry. However, Thomas Bennett and Elizabeth Perry married in Bedford Co., VA in 1784, five years later than the above deed which names his wife Elizabeth. The Bedford Co. marriage bond also does not give a middle initial for Thomas. Notwithstanding I believe Thomas Fullilove Bennett married twice, first to an Elizabeth of unknown last name,and second to Elizabeth Bennett Perry.

Elizabeth Perry is a widow. She is the daughter of Peter & Frances Bennett. (Note: Peter is the son of 'Old William' and Mary Humphreys) The will of Peter Bennett, dated 7 Jan 1770, names daughter Elizabeth Perry. The will was witnessed by David Watt, William Goad, William Ward, and David Perry, presumably, Elizabeth's husband. Peter's will was probated 25 May 1778 and proved by two witnesses, William Goad and David Watt. David Perry may very well have been deceased by this date.

Thomas Bennett and Elizabeth Perry married in 1784 in Bedford Co. A Thomas F. Bennett appears in the Pittsylvania Co. Tax list in 1785. He remains there till his death in 1806. Each year he is identified as Thomas F. Bennett. He appears in the 1806 tax list as Thomas F. Bennett dec'd.

Thomas F. Bennett acquired two pieces of property in Pittsylvania County, both on the same day. DB 8:396 (4/20/1789) from William Hunt & wife to Thomas F. Bennett. 300 acres on the branches of the Staunton ... and

DB 8:384 (4/20/1789). Reuben Bennett to Thomas Bennett. 85 acres on Sside Stanton between Lynches LIttle & Big Creeks. Witnesses: James Arther, William Bennett , Elizabeth Bennett, Charity Wheeler.

Thomas F. Bennett died about 1806 as noted above. His estate was divided among his children. On 8 Jan 1811 William K. Bennett sold to Bartlett Bennett, 25 acres, part of 300 acres, his part of the estate of his father, Thomas F. Bennett dec'd. (DB 11:238) This is the same tract of land purchased by Thomas F. Bennett from William Hunt. This shows that Thomas F. Bennett had one son named William K. Bennett.

In another deed dated 31 Oct 1815 (DB 19:299) James and Bartlett Bennett gave, 'for natural love and affection', 85 acres of land to David Perry. This is the same 85 acre tract that was owned by Thomas F. Bennett, dec'd. What is interesting about this deed is that it was signed not only by James and Bartlett Bennett, but also by Horatio Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett (her mark), Thomas F. Bennett, William Bennett and Nancy Bennett. Remember, that the will of Peter Bennett was witnessed by a David Perry. I believe that this David Perry is a child of Elizabeth Bennett and David Perry, and therefore a stepson to Thomas F.Bennett. It appears the legatees of Thomas F. Bennett are giving the 85 acre tract of land, once owned by Thomas F. Bennett, to their half-brother. These deeds provide a list of legatees for Thomas F. Bennett.

I believe there is one more child not named in these deeds, Frances Bennett who married George Crider is likely a daughter of Thomas F. Bennett. The marriage bond issued 3 Jan 1803 names Thomas F. Bennett as the father of Frances. (Source: Catherine Lindsay Knorr, Marriage Bonds and Ministers Returns of Pittsylvania County, Va. 1767-1805) Another record names Horatio Bennett, son of Thomas F. Bennett, as one of the witnesses of this marriage. (Source: Marriages of Pittsylvania Co., VA) These records show that Frances is a daughter of Thomas F. Bennett. The reason she was not among the grantors of the deed to David Perry is not evident.

Children of Thomas F. Bennett and Elizabeth

  1. William K. Bennett
  2. Horatio Bennett
  3. Elizabeth Bennett
  4. Nancy Bennett

Children of Thomas F. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett Perry

  1. Thomas F. Bennett, Jr.
  2. Bartlett Bennett
  3. James Bennett
  4. Frances

Please note that I have birthdates for only four of the eight children. William K. Bennett and Horatio Bennett were born before the marriage of Thomas F. Bennett and Elizabeth Perry. Bartlett and Thomas Fullilove Benett, Jr. were born after that marriage. Where the other children fit is just a guess at this point and subject to change.

These deeds reveal a connection between Thomas F. Bennett and David Perry, but we still have no evidence that the F is for Fullilove. This is demonstrated by the memoirs of Armistead Fullove Ramsey.

Thomas F. Bennett, Jr. was born sometime between 1785 and 1790. He died about 1746 in Pittsylvania Co. He left a will (WB 2:23). The index to wills also lists Devisees and Legatees. Thomas's will was probated 18 Jan 1847 and names a wife Susanah and 8 children: Charles H. L., Eliza B., Thomas F., Abner C., Mary A., Sarah A., James A., OttowayA.. Susannah is Susan C. Anthony. I believe they were married in Campbell Co., VA, but I don't have any documentation of this yet.

Children of Thomas F. Bennett and Susan C. Anthony (grandparents of Armistead Fullove Ramsey) 1. Charles H. L. Bennett 2. Eliza B. Bennett 3. Thomas F. Bennett 4. Abner C. Bennett 5. Mary A. Bennett 6. Sarah A. Bennett 7. James A. Bennett 8. Ottoway A. Bennett

Eliza Banks Bennett married Hailey A. Ramsey. Among their children was Armistead Fullove Ramsey who is the author of the memoirs mentionedabove. He was born in 1856 and died in 1937, but not before writinga memoir. I have at least a partial copy of this memoir. I have included some excerpts from this memoir in the attached file. In his memoir says his mothers was the daughter of Fullove and Susan Bennett and the niece of Charles and Abner Anthony. This confirms that his grandmother was Susan Anthony. All official records show her husband to be Thomas F. Bennett. From this memoir we know that the middle initial was for Fullove or Fullilove. I am assuming that the Thomas Fullilove Bennett in Pittsylvania County is the same person as named in the Albemarle County deeds. There are actually two possibilities: 1. Thomas Fullilove Bennett had two wives, both named Elizabeth; or 2. There are two Thomas Fullilove Bennett's, both with wives named Elizabeth.

The name is so unusual, I am going with the first theory while keeping an open mind on the second.

Thomas F. Bennett purchased approximately 300 acres of land in Pittsylvania Co. on a branch of the Staunton River from William Hunt, NipperAdams, and Stephen Collins on 7 Jun 1788. (Pittsylvania Co., VA Deed Book 8, p. 396-397)

Pittsylvania Co., VA Accounts Current Book 4, Page 305 Inventory & appraisement of Thos. F Bennett?s Est.

Inventory of the Personal estate of Thomas F Bennett and administeredby Eliza Bennett late adm?d, Dec?d Taken 22nd Jany. 1810 and apprais?d According to Law.

1 Negro Woman Chloe, a Do Do Vilett & child Jesse, 1 do do Dols, 1 Do do Man Harry, 1 Black Mare,

1 Do Horse, 1 Gray Horse, 1 Bay Mare, 8 Cows, 1 Red Calf, 9 Earlings,22 Hogs, 9 Sheep, 1 Feather Bed & Furniture, Cord & bedstead, 1 do do, 1 do do, 1 do do, 1 do do, 215 lbs Seed Cotton, 3 pewter Dishes,

14 do plates, 2 pewter Basons, 2 tin Bucketts, 1 Coffee Pott, 2 tin pans, 3 Cups, 1 Iron tea Kettle, 1 Copper Spice morter & pestle, SundryEarthen Glass ware, 2 pewter spoons, 9 Knives & 11 forks, 4 pots, 2 Dutch ovens, 4 pr. Hooks, hanger & flesh fork, 6 lb Feathers, 3 lbs Wool, Sundry Pieces of sole Leather,

1 Womans saddle, 4 Chests & 1 powdering Tub, 23 lb hoggs lard & Tub, Bees wax & Taller, 1Walnut Chest & Table, 1 pr. Money Scales & Weights, 1 Small Trunk, 1 Sugar Box, 1 Stone pitcher & do Jug

3 Black Bottles, 1 Glass tickles, 5 Jugs & 2 pitchers, 1 Double Bolted pad lock, Six phials & 1 looking glass, 1 pr tin Candle molds, 1 prflat irons, 1 flax hacker, 1 large Jug, Blades & Tops, 2 Stacks of Oats,

Corn supposed to be 30 Barrells, 5 barrels Short Corn Supposed, 16 Bushels Wheat Suppos?d, 13 geese,

1 pr Steelyards, 3 Colters , 2 plow hoes, 1 pr. Iron Wedges, 2 pr. Iron Traces & hames, 1 pr. Rope Traces & hames, 7 pole axes, 1 frow, 1 grubbing hoe, 2 Singletrees, 2 Clevises pins & Lap rings, 1 Grind Stone,

5 Hilling hoes, 4 Casks, 3 powdering Tubs, pickle pork Sup?d to be 1000 lbs., 1 flax Brake, 2 Cotton wheels, 1 Tub, 1 pole & 3 piggins, 3 Stands of Bees, 1 Loom, 1 Flax wheel, 1 Do do, 1 Draw knife, 1 hand Saw, 2 augers, 5 Chairs, 2 Slays, 1 pr. Harness, 1 Shott Gun, 1 Walnut Table, 2 Table Clothes

Total: £460.19.10

The foregoing appraisment contains a true & perfect Inventory of the Estate of Thomas F Bennett, deceased which has come to our hands as his administrators.

James Bennett, Bartlet Bennett

Recorded: May 21, 1810