Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Charles DUDLEYAge: 106 years17501857

Charles DUDLEY
Given names
Birth December 21, 1750
Note: Charles' bible has his birth date, but not his birth place, plus the birth dates of his wife and her two children. Others listed appear to be grandchildren.

Birth of a daughter
May 5, 1770 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a son
December 30, 1772 (Age 22 years)
MarriageElizabeth View this family
about 1802 (Age 51 years)

Birth of a daughter
June 23, 1806 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a daughter
April 10, 1808 (Age 57 years)
Death of a wifeMary GARDNER
before 1810 (Age 59 years)
Note: The 1800 census showed that Charles wife was over 45 years of age - there were no children living at home. The 1810 census showed that Charles wife was 26 to 45 years of age and there were two females under 10 living at home. Evidently Mary died after 1800, Charles remarried and had two more children.
Death of a sonRobert DUDLEY
October 4, 1834 (Age 83 years)
Note: The family story is that in 1834 Robert and Clarissa decided to migrate West with their three sons and family members. They prepared their wagons and on the day set for departure, 10 Oct 1834, Robert died from a sudden heart attack. He is buried in the Hardin-Hering private cemetery o the farm of his eldest daughter Elizabeth, about 2 mies outside of Mt Airy near Whiteside. He left no written will but a noncupative will for Robert was filed in Surry county.
Death 1857 (Age 106 years)
Address: Charles Dudley purportedly died in 1857 but there is no 'proof' of this fact.
Family with Mary GARDNER - View this family
3 years
Family with Elizabeth - View this family
Marriage: about 1802
6 years
-22 months


Charles' bible has his birth date, but not his birth place, plus the birth dates of his wife and her two children. Others listed appear to be grandchildren.


Notes for CHARLES DUDLEY: (From the Internet)

A brief History of the Dudley Family by Naoma Dudley Stone

Charles Dudley - born 21 Dec. 1750 as recorded in his Anglican Church prayer Book and Psalms - place unknown. Oral tradition suggest he migrated from London England as a teen-aged boy, but there is no proof of this.

Charles' first wife was Mary ? (they had a son Robert and a daughter Judithe) and his second wife was Elizabeth ? (they had two daughters Nancy and Mary). Nothing is known of the line of daughter Judith or daughter Mary. Nancy married Thomas Poore and her descendants preserved the prayer book containing the vital dates of birth, - no death dates were recorded.

Information from data collected by Kathyryn Houghton Fulton for the intended purpose of writing a book was quoted in a book "History and Genealogy Dudley , Mcwane" written by Marietta McWane Kegley. This information claimed that Charles Dudley died in 1859 at 107 years old. and was buried in Mt. Airy, N.C.

Our Dudley branch is descended from Charles' son, Robert, who married his cousin Clarissa Ross.

Charles was reportedly in the Battle of Shallow Ford in Surry County.

Battle of Shallow Ford

The Revolutionary War Battle of Shallow Ford occurred on October 14, 1780 in old Surry (now Yadkin) County, North Carolina. Approximately 310 Whig (those fighting for independence) militiamen from North Carolina and Virginia, commanded by Major Joseph Cloyd, defeated a band of Tories (those loyal to England) numbering 400 to 900 under Colonels Gideon and Hezekiah Wright. Occurring a week after the Patriot victory at King Mountain, it played an important role in turning the tide of the war in North Carolina to the advantage of the Patriots.

BirthPage 1 Charles Dudley BiblePage 1 Charles Dudley Bible
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BirthPage 2 Dudley BiblePage 2 Dudley Bible
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