Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Hugh Hicklin's Signature

Hugh HICKLINAge: 86 years17251811

Given names
Birth 1725 36
Note: Taken from Family Tree Maker CD # 31, and the Hicklin Message Board, 25 Jul 2002.
Marriage of parentsThomas HICKLINDiannah DONAGHEView this family
Birth of a sisterJane HICKLIN
about 1734 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterDinah HICKLIN
about 1736 (Age 11 years)
Augusta Co Militia
August 20, 1752 (Age 27 years)

Note: Hugh Hicklin qualified as Coronet.
Virginia Militia
1756 (Age 31 years)

Note: History of Highland County Pages 191 & 192
Property 1758 (Age 33 years)
Note: Taken from A HISTORY OF HIGHLAND COUNTY by Oren Frederick Morton.
Census 1761 (Age 36 years)
Note: History of Highland County Pages 391 THE SETTLERS OF 150 YEARS AGO.
100 acres on Bullpasture Creek
1767 (Age 42 years)
Note: In 1767 Hugh Hicklin sold the 100 acres he received from VA a few years earlier.
Birth of a daughter
about 1768 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a daughter
1770 (Age 45 years)
Death of a fatherThomas HICKLIN
January 31, 1772 (Age 47 years)
Note: A copy of Thomas Hicklin's will reads:
Residence 1780 (Age 55 years)
Property 1791 (Age 66 years)
Note: Hugh Hicklin received a land patent signed by Gov Randolph in Augusta Co, Virginia. The original warrant was issued in 1775.
Marriage of a childHenry McDONALDSarah HICKLINView this family
September 28, 1793 (Age 68 years)
Note: Bourbon Co marriages on has this information about Henry and Sally's marriage taken…
Marriage of a childJohn McNABBMartha HICKLINView this family
June 1794 (Age 69 years)
Note: Bourbon Co KY Loose Papers
Marriage of a childLevi CORRELLMary “Polly” HICKLINView this family
November 3, 1794 (Age 69 years)
Note: From Loose Papers, Bourbon Co, KY:
Death of a sisterDinah HICKLIN
after 1804 (Age 79 years)

Census 1810 (Age 85 years)
Note: Census shows Hugh and wife, both over 45 years old, living alone in Montgomery Co, KY.

Note: Hugh Hicklin was involved in building many of the original roads in the Bull Pasture.

Death 1811 (Age 86 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1725Chester Co, PA
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
-10 years
Family with Elizabeth - View this family
3 years


Taken from Family Tree Maker CD # 31, and the Hicklin Message Board, 25 Jul 2002.

12 Hugh HICKLIN. Born in 1725 in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Hugh died in Bath County, Kentucky, on 21 May 1811; he was 86. In 1750 when Hugh was 25, he married Elizabeth CHAMBERLAIN.

Hugh HICKLIN Spouse: Elizabeth Marr: 1750

Children: Ann "Nancy" (1751-) Margaret (~1753-1823) Elizabeth (1759-) Agness (~1761-) Jonathan (1763-1824) Ruth (1763-) Hugh (~1765-) Sarah (~1768-) Martha (~1770-) Mary (~1772-1816)


Hugh Hicklin qualified as Coronet.


History of Highland County Pages 191 & 192 Roll of Captain George Wilson's Company, August 11th, 1756:

George Wilson--------------- Captain Hugh Hicklin------------------Lieutenant Thomas Hughart-------------Ensign Charles Gilham----------------Sergeant William Johnson----------------Corporal

and from the Preston Manuscripts of the Drape Collection, Hugh Hicklin and Samuel Hodge acknowledged reimbursements for their militia companies in 1757.


Taken from A HISTORY OF HIGHLAND COUNTY by Oren Frederick Morton.

The crown grant given below was signed by Francis Fauquier, and was issued on a survey lying on a "draft of New Found Land Creek" (Bullpasture River). Like all crown deeds of that day it is printed on parchment.

GEORGE the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye that for divers good Causes and Considerations but more especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Ten Shillings ($1.67) of good and Lawful Money for our Use paid to our Receiver General of our Provinces in this our colony and Dominion of Virginia WE HAVE Given Granted and Confirmed and by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Do Give Grant and Confirm unto Hugh Hicklin (here follows a description of the tract of land and its boundaries.)

WITH ALL Woods Under Woods Swamps Marshes Cowgrounds Meadows Feedings and his due share of all Veins Mines and Quarries as well discovered as not discovered within the Bounds aforesaid and being Part of the said Quantity of one hundred Acres of land and the Rivers Waters and Water Courses therein contained together with the Privileges of Hunting Hawking Fishing Fowling and all other Profits Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever to the same or any Part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining TO HAVE HOLD Possess and Enjoy the said Tract or Parcel of Land and all other the before granted Premises and every Part thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Hugh Hicklin Heirs and Assigns forever to the only Use and Behoof of him the said Hugh Hicklin Heirs and assigns forever TO BE HELD of us our Heirs and Successors as of our Manor of East Greenwich in the county of Kent in free and Common Soccage and not in Capite or by Knightly Service YIELDING AND PAYING unto us our Heirs and Successors for every fifty Acres of Land proportionably for a less or greater Quantity than fifty Acres the Fee Rent of one Shilling Yearly to be paid upon the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and also Cultivating and Improving three Acres part of every fifty of the Tract above mentioned within three Years after the Date of these Presents PROVIDED always that if three Years of the said Fee Rent shall at any time be in arrear and unpaid or if the said Hugh Hicklin Heirs or Assigns do not within the space of three Years next coming after the Date of these Presents Cultivate and Improve three Acres part of every fifty of the Tract above mentioned Then the Estate hereby Granted shall Cease and be Utterly Determined and thereafter it shall and may be Lawful to and for us our Heirs and Successors to grant the same Lands and Premises with the Appurtenances unto such other Person or Persons as We our Heirs and Successors shall think fit IN WITNESS whereof we have Caused these our Letters Patent to be made WITNESS our trusty and well beloved Fauquier our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh Under the Seal of our said Colony the Twelfth Day of December One thousand Seven hundred and fifty eight In the thirty second Year of our Reign

Note: "Free and common soccage" was when land was held through certain and honorable service, as by fealty to the King and the payment of a nominal sum of money. The tenant "in capite" held his title immediately from the king, as in the case of nobles and knights. The feast of St. Michael is September 29, and in a liberal sense it refers to the fall of the year.


History of Highland County Pages 391 THE SETTLERS OF 150 YEARS AGO.

It is, of course, impossible to present an accurate list of the householders who were here in 1761, after 15 yeass of settlement. A few of the names we found are probably those of non-residents. On the other hand there were people here who did not own land, and of such there is only casual mention Iin the record books. The following is therefore only an approximation to the actuial fact, the real number being doubtless somewhat larger than here appears. Nearly all were living in Stonewall and at the mouth of Bolar Run.


Carlile, John. Carlile, Robert. ... Hicklin, Hugh. Hicklin, John.


In 1767 Hugh Hicklin sold the 100 acres he received from VA a few years earlier.


Hugh Hicklin received a land patent signed by Gov Randolph in Augusta Co, Virginia. The original warrant was issued in 1775.


Census shows Hugh and wife, both over 45 years old, living alone in Montgomery Co, KY.


Hugh Hicklin was involved in building many of the original roads in the Bull Pasture.

According to Chalkey's History of Augusta, Vol 1, p 441: May 1753, Hugh Hicklin, Thomas Hicklin, John Hicklin and others petitioned for a road from William Wilson's Mill, on the Jackson River to Captain Ashton's mill, in the Bull Pasture.



Posted By: Larry Hakel Forum URL:

In the name of God Amen, I Hugh HicKlin of Harrison County and State of KentucKy being in perfect health and memory thanKs be given unto God and calling to mind the mortality of my body, and Knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament. In the first place I give and recoommend my sould unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the descretion of my executors for which I appoint John McNabb of Montgomery County, Henry McDaniel of Fayette and Levi Correll of Harrison County and touching my worldly affairs as it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give demise and dispose of in the following manner and from Viz I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth HicKlin one bed and furniture and to have a good maintenance out of my estate during her life and for her to reside at whatever place she may choose and to be paid by my executors out of my estate also at me descease I do leave my negro woman Lett and all my property of whatever Kind to be sold by my executors on nine months credit and the money to be put to interest until the death of my wife Elizabeth. I then to be devided together with the money and bonds due to me as follows: Viz I give my daughter. Ann one dollar and no more. I give my daughter Margaret one half share. I give my daughter Jane one half share and no more. I give My son John one dollar and no more I give my daughter Elizabeth one half share. I give unto my daughter Ruth's female children one half share to be devided equally amongst them and to remain in the hands of John McNabb until they shall be of age. I give my son Hugh half a share. I give my daughter Sarah one share. I give my daughter Martha one share. I give my daughter Mary one share. I give my grandson Charles half share. I do give my son Hugh my big Bible and all my wearing apparel. I do hereby utterly maKe void all and every other will or wills by me heretofore made ... and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in .. whenof I now- here unto set my hand and seal this Twenty First day of March inn the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and eleven, HUGH HICKLIN<Seal) Signed,Sealed and Published as my last will and testament in presence of Alex McDaniel

At a court held for Bath County 28th day of October 1811 this amount of the sale of the estate of Hugh HicKlin Dec'd was produced approved and ordained to be recorded. Teste. Thomas Fletcher C.B.C.

INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF HUGH HICKLIN DEC'D 1 Negro Woman $220.00 $ 220.00 Bed, Bedstand & Furniture 25.00 2 sheets,1 blanKet & 1 quilt 8.00 2 trunks, a box of medicine, razor and ease and sundry small articles 6.00 1 tine pitcher, candlestick bottle & parr 1.50 3 books 1.00 Amount of Bonds in Adm.hands 1255.50 $1517.00 We the commissoners appointed by the Bath County Court do apparise the estate of Hugh Hicklin Dec'd do certify that the above contains a true account of the goods delievered to us. James R. Young, Peter Gill & John Richey At a Court held for Bath County 28th October 1811

This Inventory and appraisment of the estate of Hugh Hicklin Dec'd um produced, approved and oreder to be recorded. Teste: Thomas Fletcher C.B.C.

Amount of Sale: The price of the different articles sold at the house of John McNabb belonging to Hugh Hicklin Dec'd.

ITEM 1/0 small trunck price O 1 10 3 books 4/0 O 4 6 21/razor & case 4/8 O 4 3 1/box and medicine 9/1 O 3 1 1/pitcher 4/8 O 4 0 1/quart bottle 1/3 O 1 G 1/candlestick decanter O 3 0 2/combs case & sosons O 4 2 1/trunk 1 1 6 1/chamber pan O 4 0 Bed furniture & Bedstead 7 4 0 1/quilt blanket 1 19 0 3/sheets 1 4 0 1/Negor woman 31 3l 0 1/inkstand O 2 0

John McNabb, Henry McDaniel, Levi Correll Other witnesse for the will that was out of place Isaac Rice, Richard Harcort, Peter R. Gill, Reuben Randolph, Mahlon Hall, John Ritchey.




Hugh Hicklin — 1780 — from the county (Botetourt) line to the schoolhouse on Indian Draft.


SINCE only a very minor portion of Bath was covered by the early holdings of the pioneer families, it is possible to group these holdings into several tolerably well defined areas of settlement...

The Dickenson settlement may be considered as extending along the Cowpasture from the gorge below Fort Lewis into the bend at Griffith's Knob, and as including the lower course of Stuart's Creek and the occupied part of Porter's Mill Creek. The more conspicuous of the earlier names associated with this belt are ... Graham, Hicklin,.. Laverty, Mayse... McDannald...

The Bullpasture settlement stretched along the entire course of that stream from its source nearly to the Bullpasture Gap. Here the names are ... Carlile, ,,, Graham, ... Hicklin,....


Hugh Hicklin, who lived some years on the Millroy patent, was the oldest son of Thomas, of the Bullpasture, and he moved to Kentucky about 1797. Sonora Hicklin ( Mrs. Boggs ) .... left the statement that her great-grandfather Hicklin was in Kentucky before Daniel Boone.

MilitaryFrom the Preston ManuscriptsFrom the Preston Manuscripts
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PropertyDeed from Hugh Hicklin for 100 acres on BullpastureDeed from Hugh Hicklin for 100 acres on Bullpasture
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ResidenceHugh and Wife Sell Patented Land in 1780Hugh and Wife Sell Patented Land in 1780
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PropertyPatent Issued to Hugh Hicklin by VA
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Census1810 Census Montgomery Co, Hugh Hicklin1810 Census Montgomery Co, Hugh Hicklin
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EventHugh Hicklin's SignatureHugh Hicklin's Signature
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