Thomas HICKLINAge: 83 years1689–1772
- Name
- Thomas HICKLIN
- Given names
- Thomas
- Surname
![]() | 1689 |
![]() | Diannah DONAGHE — View this family 1725 (Age 36 years) |
![]() #1 | Hugh HICKLIN 1725 (Age 36 years) |
![]() | about 1730 (Age 41 years) |
![]() #2 | Jane HICKLIN about 1734 (Age 45 years) |
![]() | 1734 (Age 45 years) |
![]() #3 | Dinah HICKLIN about 1736 (Age 47 years) |
![]() | 1744 (Age 55 years) Note: August 9, 1744 The Pennsylvania Gazette. To be SOLD, on reasonable Terms A Plantation containing 313 Acres, situate in Chester County, near to Hamilton's Mill, 100 Acres cleared with a good House, Barn, and Orchard. Any Person that has a mind to purchase may apply to Thomas Cearell, at the Crooked Billet in Philadelphia, or William Hamilton, at his Mill, or Thomas Hicklin , living on the said Premises.
![]() | 1750 (Age 61 years) |
![]() | 1753 (Age 64 years) Note: The Hicklins were in Augusta Co by 1753 - county records show that Hugh was an overseer on a road extension to William Wilson's Mill (in present Highland County.)
![]() | James BOTKIN — Dinah HICKLIN — View this family about 1762 (Age 73 years) |
![]() | |
![]() | January 31, 1772 (Age 83 years) |
![]() | Diannah DONAGHE — View this family Signed Petition 1778 (5 years after death)Note: 1788 - On 13 April 1778, a number of inhabitants of Cowpasture, Calfpasture, Bullpasture, Jackson River, and Back Creek petitioned the Virginia Assembly for a new county to be struck off from Augusta. The signers of this petition included: ... Hugh, John and James HICKLIN, ..., Morton, Oren F., ANNALS OF BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA , p.106.
Family with Diannah DONAGHE |
himself |
Thomas HICKLIN Birth: 1689 Death: January 31, 1772 — Augusta Co, VA |
wife | |
Marriage: 1725 — Chester Co, PA |
son | |
son | |
daughter | |
daughter | |
daughter |
Jane HICKLIN Birth: about 1734 45 — Pennsylvania |
3 years daughter |
Dinah HICKLIN Birth: about 1736 47 — Chester Co, PA Death: after 1804 |
-10 years son |
Residence | From a A Map Showing Some of the Former Landholders around Old Kennet Meeting Chester Co, Pa. Prepared by Gilbert Cope 1910 ...Hicklin, Thomas 160 This map was made up from three older maps of different periods, none of which represented conditions at a given time. The larger part was taken from a draft of Kennett Township made before division into Kennett and Pennsbury, in 1770. In the county records of Chester County, contains a reference to other Hicklins: Warrantee of Land: Hicklin, Arthur, 100 Nov. 19, 1748. Court Case: Thomas Smith - Birmingham Township - William Hicklin May 1731 Recognizance Tax Discounts John Hicklin Poor Kennett 1793 1790-1799 64 Samuel Hicklin Sickness East Bradford 1799 1790-1799 153 |
Property | From: WARRANTIES OF LAND ... PENNSYLVANIA 1730-1898 Edited by William Henry Engle County of Chester Hicklin, Thomas, 120 Aug. 16, 1734 Hicklin, Arthur, 100 Nov. 19, 1748 |
Residence | August 9, 1744 The Pennsylvania Gazette. To be SOLD, on reasonable Terms A Plantation containing 313 Acres, situate in Chester County, near to Hamilton's Mill, 100 Acres cleared with a good House, Barn, and Orchard. Any Person that has a mind to purchase may apply to Thomas Cearell, at the Crooked Billet in Philadelphia, or William Hamilton, at his Mill, or Thomas Hicklin , living on the said Premises. |
Residence | 1750 Tax List from Chester Co Archives: Hicklin, Thomas Newlin Although this could have been a different Thomas Hicklin of Chester Co who died abt 1800. |
Residence | The Hicklins were in Augusta Co by 1753 - county records show that Hugh was an overseer on a road extension to William Wilson's Mill (in present Highland County.) |
Property | Disposition of Land from the book: Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County 1745-1800 by Lyman Chalkley Page 455.--22d March, 1770. Thomas Hicklen, Sr., to Thomas Hicklin, Jr., £100, 131 acres on Newfound Creek of the Cowpasture and now known by the name of the Bullpasture, part of 348 acres patented to Andrew Lewis, 1st June, 1750, and coneyed by him to Thomas, Sr.; corner land formerly in possession of John Wilson; corner land in possession of Samuel Givens. Teste: John Carlile, Robert ( ) Carlile, William Black. |
Death | A copy of Thomas Hicklin's will reads: September the Seventh 1771 In the name of God, amen. I, Thomas Hicklin Senior of the Bullpasture land, Augusta County, now in the evening of my days, being frail of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God. Therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make ( ) this my last will and testament. Principally and first of all I recommend my soul to God who gave it and for my body I commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discreation (sic) of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God; and as touching my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I dispose of in the following manner ( ). In the first place I allow my (burial) charges to be paid and satisfied, I leave to my son Hugh Hicklin fifty pounds current money of Virginia ( ) and the rest of my personal estate all that I now possess I leave equally between my sons and daughters. I say to John Hicklin, Thomas Hicklin, Rosannah Johnson, Jane Laferty, Dinah Botkin, and Sarah Black, only to Dinah Botkin I leave my bed and bed clothes above the rest. Follow this and no other to be my last will and testament disolving all other wills gifts grants legesees before this witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed sealed pronounced and declared Before signing I allow his to be his will and desire before us and appoint my Eldest Thomas Hicklin who wrote this freehand Son Hugh Hicklin mark to be my Exe |
Event | 1788 - On 13 April 1778, a number of inhabitants of Cowpasture, Calfpasture, Bullpasture, Jackson River, and Back Creek petitioned the Virginia Assembly for a new county to be struck off from Augusta. The signers of this petition included: ... Hugh, John and James HICKLIN, ..., Morton, Oren F., ANNALS OF BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA , p.106. |
Note | Taken from Hicklin Family Message Board, 20 Nov 2003. 24 Thomas HICKLIN Sr. Born abt 1689 in Scotland, Ireland Or USA? Thomas died in Augusta County, Virginia, on 31 Jan 1772; he was 83. Thomas Hicklin Sr. was born ca 1689 whether in this country or Ireland as it has been stated. There has been no proof shown as to where he was born, some say he came to this country in 1714 from Ireland but no proof has been found. Some have said that he came to Pennsylvania in 1700, this would have made him 11 years old and he would have had to come with his parents. If he did come to Pennsylvania In 1700 as was stated there was a John Hicklin whom the sheriff delivered a deed to on 26 APR 1702 for 124 acres of land in Chester County, Pennsylvania John could have been the father of Thomas. He is first found in Chester county, Pennsylvania in 1734. He received a land warrant for 120 acres on the 16 Aug 1734. This is the first proof of Thomas in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married about 1723/24, to the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Donaghe Sr. In 1744 the following advertisement was placed "Plantation of 313 acres in Chester County near Hamiltons Mill is for sale; apply to Thomas Cearell at the Crooked Billet in Philadelphia or William Hamiltons at the mill or Thomas hicklin living on the premises". Taken from Ben Franklin's Pennsylvania gazette 1728-1749 by Kenneth Scott. Thomas Hicklin, and his family, later moved down the valley and we find him next on a draft of Newfoundland creek, now called Bullpasture river in Virginia. Thomas Hicklin Sr. Sold to Thomas Hicklin Jr. 131 acres of land on the river 22 Mar 1770, this was part of 348 acres patented to Andrew Lewis on 1 Jun 1750 and sold to Thomas Sr. 6 Jan 1756. Lewis also sold to Thomas 217 acres in Aug 1768. During the French and Indian wars, 1757, he was on the rolls of the Highland Fort, according to Vickna' Compendiu, of American Genealogy, Vol. V , P.728.. On 19 Aug 1766 Thomas Hicklin Sr. was exempted from levy by reason of his great age and infirmity. Thomas Hicklin Sr. Died in Augusta County, Virginia in the year 1771 as his estate was proven 31 Jan 1772. He signed his will with an X . This is believed to be because of his ill health not because not could not write, the mark was beautiful and complex unlike one who couldn't write. |
Note | Taken from Hicklin Family Message Board, 20 Nov 2003. 24 Thomas HICKLIN Sr. Born abt 1689 in Scotland, Ireland Or USA? Thomas died in Augusta County, Virginia, on 31 Jan 1772; he was 83. Thomas Hicklin Sr. was born ca 1689 whether in this country or Ireland as it has been stated. There has been no proof shown as to where he was born, some say he came to this country in 1714 from Ireland but no proof has been found. Some have said that he came to Pennsylvania in 1700, this would have made him 11 years old and he would have had to come with his parents. If he did come to Pennsylvania In 1700 as was stated there was a John Hicklin whom the sheriff delivered a deed to on 26 APR 1702 for 124 acres of land in Chester County, Pennsylvania John could have been the father of Thomas. He is first found in Chester county, Pennsylvania in 1734. He received a land warrant for 120 acres on the 16 Aug 1734. This is the first proof of Thomas in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married about 1723/24, place UNKNOWN to the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Donaghe Sr. In 1744 the following advertisement was placed "Plantation of 313 acres in Chester County near Hamiltons Mill is for sale; apply to Thomas Cearell at the Crooked Billet in Philadelphia or William Hamiltons at the mill or Thomas hicklin living on the premises". Taken from Ben Franklin's Pennsylvania gazette 1728-1749 by Kenneth Scott. Thomas Hicklin, and his family, later moved down the valley and we find him next on a draft of Newfoundland creek, now called Bullpasture river in Virginia. Thomas Hicklin Sr. Sold to Thomas Hicklin Jr. 131 acres of land on the river 22 Mar 1770, this was part of 348 acres patented to Andrew Lewis on 1 Jun 1750 and sold to Thomas Sr. 6 Jan 1756. Lewis also sold to Thomas 217 acres in Aug 1768. During the French and Indian wars, 1757, he was on the rolls of the Highland Fort, according to Vickna' Compendiu, of American Genealogy, Vol. V , P.728.. On 19 Aug 1766 Thomas Hicklin Sr. was exempted from levy by reason of his great age and infirmity. Thomas Hicklin Sr. Died in Augusta County, Virginia in the year 1771 as his estate was proven 31 Jan 1772. He signed his will with an X . This is believed to be because of his ill health not because not could not write, the mark was beautiful and complex unlike one who couldn't write. |
Note | From The Hicklin Family in America by Marjorie Abbott-Braswell 1986 Page 5, 3rd pargraph: Thomas Hicklin received a land warrant for 129 aces of land on the 16 of Aug 1734. This is the first proof of Thomas in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married about 1723/24 place unknow to the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Donaghe Sr. |
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