Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Dinah HICKLINAge: 68 years17361804

Given names
Married name
Dinah Botkin
Birth about 1736 47
MarriageJames BOTKINView this family
about 1762 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherThomas HICKLIN
January 31, 1772 (Age 36 years)
Note: A copy of Thomas Hicklin's will reads:
Death of a husbandJames BOTKIN
1804 (Age 68 years)
Note: From Clark County KY Will Book 2, page 6:
Death after 1804 (Age 68 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1725Chester Co, PA
elder sister
3 years
-10 years
elder brother
Family with James BOTKIN - View this family
Marriage: about 1762Augusta Co, VA


Dianna and her husband james Bodkin moved to Clark Co KY where he died in 1804. His will was filed there.

In the Name of God Amen. I James Bodkins of Clarke County Kentucky being low and weak in Body but of sound mind and memory Do make this my Last will and Testament in Matter and form as followeth... Item, I give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Delilah Bodkin one Dark Brown Mare Called Nance With three of her Colts one of them now sucks also one young sorrel horse together with All my Horned Cattle, Sheep Hogs household and kitching furniture and Plantation utencials forever. Item, I give unto my said Loving Wife, the use of one third of my Land that I Bought of Col. John Payne During her Natural Life. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my son George Bodkin ... Item, I give and Bequeath unto my loving sons John Bodkin, Thomas Bodkin, William Bodkin and James Bodkin all I have Given formily them to Possess and no more. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Daughters Margaret Bodkin, Sarah Barnor Rachel Duglas and Betsy Mary ginna ann Wise All that I have given them heretofore and no more. Item, Leave my Loving Wife Deliah Bodkin and son George Bodkin my Executors..... Item, my Will and desire is that Richard Wise occupy ten Acres of Land ajoining the house he now lives in for the term of six years from the date hereof As Wittness my hand this Eighth day of August Eighteen hundred and fore Signed and acknowledg in presence of James (his mark +++) Bodkin Mathew Patton, John Patton, William Morris At a Court held for Clarke County 27th day of August 1804