Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary Ann KIHERAge: 71 years17591831

Mary Ann KIHER
Given names
Mary Ann
Married name
Mary Ann Rebelin
Birth May 6, 1759

MarriageWilliam RIBELINView this family
October 29, 1779 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary “Polly” RIBELIN
October 15, 1784 (Age 25 years)
Note: Taken from without verification:
Birth of a son
1789 (Age 29 years)

Death of a husbandWilliam RIBELIN
1822 (Age 62 years)
Death of a sonWlliam RIBELIN
1822 (Age 62 years)

Death 1831 (Age 71 years)

Family with William RIBELIN - View this family
Marriage: October 29, 1779Rowan Co, NC
5 years


From the Keicher web site on reocities:

MARY ANN KIHER/KIKER, born 6 May 1759, was married to WILLIAM RIBELIN (born 3 Jul 1759), on 29 Oct 1779 in Rowan Co., NC. WILLIAM and MARY ANN moved to Montgomery Co. KY. The RIBELIN family was well known in Rowan Co. NC. Relationship of WILLIAM has not been proved. The following information has been furnished by a RIBELIN researcher: From Willit T. Summers Spears to Mary Hedges Reiner, February 1977: This account is from a copy of a letter by Jennie E Gano (Jan Elizabeth Jameson Gano), born Oct 3, 1857.

"The RIBELIN's" "The ancestor of the RIBELIN's in Kentucky was WILLIAM RIBELIN, who came to Kentucky with DANIEL BOONE some time in 1783. He and his wife, MARY ANNE, were with BOONE at the time in the Fort at Boonesboro, sharing the dangers and hardships of pioneer life. Later he bought land about five miles from Mt. Sterling in what was then Fayette Co. VA., now Montgomery Co. KY.

We have the bond for a deed to land purchased by him from Charles Morgan, dated March 10, 1787. There are a number of old deeds but this one is the oldest proof we have of his settlement in KY. The story of his coming with BOONE in 1783, is a family tradition of which no written proof has been found to date.

This WILLIAM RIBELIN was a grandson of WILLIAM RIBELIN who came to Charleston, South Carolina from Germany when he was 21 years old, bring a small box filled with gold. You have seen the box many times as we have it now.

WILLIAM RIBELIN, who came to KY, (our great-great grandfather), was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and present at the capture of Lord Cornwallis. His discharge from the army was in the family for many years, but now is lost. He died in Montgomery Co. KY, in 1822, and is buried in a family burying lot near his old brick house where he lived on Slate Creek. (Note by M.H.R: He died Nov 4, 1822 in Fleming Co. KY, a farmer and shoemaker. I doubt that his house was brick.) (Further note by M.H.R: Fleming Co. KY., Circuit Court file No. 8721, Dec 18, 1810. A certain ELISHA HURD owned 350 A. which is described in an article between said HURD and one, WILLIAM RIBELIN, to whom said HURD, on the day aforesaid sold said land). On Nov 4, 1822, said RIBELIN departed this life."

MarriageMarriage Entry in Rowan Co NCMarriage Entry in Rowan Co NC
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MarriageWilliam Ribelin and Mary Kiher(Kiker) Marriage in North CarolinaWilliam Ribelin and Mary Kiher(Kiker) Marriage in North Carolina
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