Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Henry SNOWAge: 55 years17101765

Henry SNOW
Given names
Birth about 1710
MarriageMary RUSSFIELDView this family
1725 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas SNOW
about 1730 (Age 20 years)
Death after 1765 (Age 55 years)


From the web site of Tim Snow:

  1. HENRY SNOW was born Abt. 1710 in Virginia. He married MARY RUSSFIELD Abt. 1725. She was born Abt. 1703.

Notes for HENRY SNOW: it is assumed that Henry Snow lived on the north side of the Stauntan River near what is now called Leasville , Virginia. Henry had served in the French and Indian war and for his service in 1765 he recieved a grant of land of 410 acres there. This land was purchased by his son Thomas in the seventys.

Children of HENRY SNOW and MARY RUSSFIELD are: 2. i. THOMAS2 SNOW, b. Abt. 1730, Bedford County , Virginia; d. November 1781, Bedford County , Virginia. ii. DOROTHY SNOW, b. Abt. 1736; m. JOHN RIDHARDSON. 3. iii. JOHN SNOW, b. Abt. 1728, Virginia; d. Abt. 1806, Campbell County , Virginia. iv. JANE SNOW, b. Abt. 1734. v. UNKNOWN SNOW, m. WILLIAM HOLLIGAN.


From the web site of

  1. HENRY1 SNOW was born Abt. 1710 in Virginia. He married MARY RUSSFIELD Abt. 1725. She was born Abt. 1703.

Notes for HENRY SNOW: it is assumed that Henry Snow lived on the north side of the Stauntan River near what is now called Leasville , Virginia. Henry had served in the French and Indian war and for his service in 1765 he recieved a grant of land of 410 acres there. This land was purchased by his son Thomas in the seventys.

Children of HENRY SNOW and MARY RUSSFIELD are: 2. i. THOMAS2 SNOW, b. Abt. 1730, Bedford County , Virginia; d. November 1781, Bedford County , Virginia. ii. DOROTHY SNOW, b. Abt. 1736; m. JOHN RIDHARDSON. 3. iii. JOHN SNOW, b. Abt. 1728, Virginia; d. Abt. 1806, Campbell County , Virginia. iv. JANE SNOW, b. Abt. 1734. v. UNKNOWN SNOW, m. WILLIAM HOLLIGAN.