Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

James Edgar McNABBAge: 34 years18291863

James Edgar McNABB
Given names
James Edgar
Birth 1829 25 26
Birth of a sisterMary McNABB
Birth of a brotherAndrew McNABB
1834 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a sisterMargaret McNABB
1835 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn McNABB
about 1836 (Age 7 years)
Note: From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder
Death of a fatherHicklin McNABB
August 14, 1836 (Age 7 years)
Note: From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder
Death of a maternal grandmotherSarah HICKLIN
1849 (Age 20 years)
Note: From Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder
Burial of a maternal grandmotherSarah HICKLIN
about 1849 (Age 20 years)

Cemetery: McNabb/Harrah Cemetery
Note: 81Y Husband buried near Lexington
Death of a paternal grandmotherMartha HICKLIN
1850 (Age 21 years)
Note: From the Moorseville Library Obituary Finder:
Death of a sisterElizabeth McNABB
October 25, 1855 (Age 26 years)

Death September 5, 1863 (Age 34 years)
Cemetery: National Cemetery Vicksburg MS
Note: McNabb, J. E. Private CIVIL War 12th IN 05 Sep 1863 Sec F Grave 1421
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 28, 1821Bath, KY
2 months
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
5 years
twin sister
-3 years
elder sister
Sarah McNABB
Birth: May 3, 1826 23 23Kentucky, USA
Death: January 17, 1908Delta, Keokuk, Iowa
4 years
6 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister


McNabb, J. E. Private CIVIL War 12th IN 05 Sep 1863 Sec F Grave 1421


From the Mooresville Public Library Obituary Finder

McNabb, James Edgar Date of Death: 09/05/1863 Birth Date: 00/00/1829 Spouse: Lucy Mary Long Survived By: Other: Age 34. Born in Kentucky; son of Hicklin and Rebecca McDonald McNabb. Married on Sept. 7, 1848. Civil War soldier in Co. E, 12 Ind.; died of disease at Camp Sherman, Mississippi. His family later moved to Missouri, where they owned a farm near Unionville, which they sold in 1875. Father of 3 children who lived to adulthood: Mary Elizabeth, who married Milo Harvey Moon; William H.J. McNabb, for whom no records are known after 1863; and James Allen Dunn McNabb, who was born in Keokuk, Iowa in 1855. Cemetery: National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Mississippi