Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Henry McDONALDAge: 66 years17871853

Given names
Birth 1787
Marriage of a parentHenry McDONALDSarah HICKLINView this family
September 28, 1793 (Age 6 years)
Note: Bourbon Co marriages on has this information about Henry and Sally's marriage taken…
Death of a motherMartha
about 1793 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a half-sisterNancy Ann McDONALD
about 1795 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a half-sisterRebecca McDONALD
1803 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a half-sisterMargaret McDONALD
December 6, 1804 (Age 17 years)

Note: Taken from the Mooreseville Indiana Obituary Finder.
Military 1812 (Age 25 years)

Note: From US Archives - War 1812 Pension Applications
Death of a fatherHenry McDONALD
1816 (Age 29 years)
Note: Fayette Co KY Will Book D Page 3 25 APR 1816 

MarriageAnn HOPKINSView this family
April 29, 1819 (Age 32 years)
Census 1820 (Age 33 years)
Note: 1820 (4 years after his father's death)
Residence 1821 (Age 34 years)
Note: A Henry McDaniel lived in Bath Co but moved to Indiana in 1821. This must be old Henry's son.
Residence 1850 (Age 63 years)
Note: 1850 United States Federal Census
Death November 17, 1853 (Age 66 years)
Note: Henry McDonald Tombstone
Burial 1853 (Age 66 years)
Note: From Findagrave, McDonald Burying Ground
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: before 1779Virginia
elder sister
Father’s family with Sarah HICKLIN - View this family
Marriage: September 28, 1793Bourbon Co, KY
2 years
-11 months
Family with Ann HOPKINS - View this family
Marriage: April 29, 1819Bath Co, KY


From US Archives - War 1812 Pension Applications Henry McDonald Widow: Ann McDonald Military Service Location: Kentucky Pension Number - #1: WO 32788 Pension Number - #2: WC 12368 Roll number: 61 Archive Publication Number: M313

Service: Capt James Dudley's and Archibald Morrison's Companies, KY Miliita


1820 (4 years after his father's death) Bath Co, KY

Henry McDaniel, age 26-45, 1 male child under 10, 1 female over 25. This must be old Henry's son


A Henry McDaniel lived in Bath Co but moved to Indiana in 1821. This must be old Henry's son. Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B, Oct Court, 1822

pp62 - list of delinquent taxes for 1821: pp66 - McDaniel, Henry 1 50 moved to Ind


1850 United States Federal Census Henry McDonah [Henry McDonald] Age: 63 Birth Year: abt 1787 Birthplace: Kentucky Home in 1850: District 16, Poweshiek, Iowa

Henry McDonah 63 Ann McDonah 50 Martha McDonah 17 Charles McDonah 14 Rebecca McDonah 12


Henry McDonald Tombstone Birth Date: abt 1787 Death Date: 17 Nov 1853 Age: 66 Burial Location: Union, Poweshiek Cemetery: McDonald Source: Grave Stone Records of Poweshiek, Iowa Page Number: 455


From Findagrave, McDonald Burying Ground

Henry McDonald Death: Nov. 14, 1853

aged 66 years; Henry McDonald came to Iowa in 1846 and bought the farm on which he is buried. He built a log cabin to raise his family. One day in 1847, the Indians captured Henry. A Tribal Council was held and they decided to let him go free if he could run the gauntlet and survive. Two lines of Indians formed facing each other, armed with swinging tomahawks, but he survived and was set free. In November 1853, he became ill and knowing he would die, he had his sons drive him to the plot near the road. He told the sons, "I'm going to die. Bury me at this spot near the road so that as folks drive by they'll not forget my grave." However the roads were changed. The lone marker still stands. It reads: Henry McDonald, died November 14, 1853, age 66." Two children are also buried there


Groom: Henry MCDONALD Bride: Ann HOPKINS Date: 29 April 1819 Source: Bath County Marriage Book #