Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Graves EAVESAge: 68 years16781746

Graves EAVES
Given names
Birth about 1678
Birth of a sisterMary EAVES
June 1680 (Age 2 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam EAVES
August 1688 (Age 10 years)
July 20, 1692 (Age 14 years)

Note: In the Northumberland Co VA Court, Graves was identified as "Orpht of Wm Eves late of this county" and chose Isaac Hestor as his guardian on 20 Jul 1692
MarriageElizabeth JONESView this family
about 1713 (Age 35 years)
Note: At some point Graves Eves married a Miss Elizabeth JONES (Matthews), daughter of Goodlove and John J…
Birth of a son
about 1715 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
William EAVES
1719 (Age 41 years)
Birth of a son
about 1720 (Age 42 years)
Property 1728 (Age 50 years)
Note: Eaves, Graves 28 September 1728 Brunswick County, VA
Will February 6, 1746 (Age 68 years)
Note: Will of Grave Eaves Recorded Feb 6 1746 in Brunswick Co, VA
Note: Will Book Records for Graves Eaves in Brunswick Co, VA
Death 1746 (Age 68 years)

Family with parents - View this family
3 years
younger sister
Family with Elizabeth JONES - View this family
Marriage: about 1713Northumberland Co, VA
5 years
2 years


In the Northumberland Co VA Court, Graves was identified as "Orpht of Wm Eves late of this county" and chose Isaac Hestor as his guardian on 20 Jul 1692


At some point Graves Eves married a Miss Elizabeth JONES (Matthews), daughter of Goodlove and John Jones . This is proven by a deed of gift from Goodlove Jones Matthews to her son-in-law, Graves Eaves, land records, and court sessions.

  1. Goodlove Jones requests court order Graves Eves be forced to produce will of John Jones, decd. Nov 1713, Northumberland Co.
  2. Goodlove Matthews acknowledged gift of tract of land to her son in law Graves Eaves. 12 Mar 1714. North. Co VA.(Goodlove has remarried.)
  3. Eliza, wife of Graves Eves, relinquished her dower rights when they sold land in Northumberland Co, 15 Sept 1724.

Eaves, Graves 28 September 1728 Brunswick County, VA Microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.

440 acres on the north side of Maherin River. Land Office Patents No. 14, 1728-1732 (pt.1 & 2), p. 85 (Reel 11).


Will of Grave Eaves Recorded Feb 6 1746 in Brunswick Co, VA

In the name of God, Amen. I Grave Eaves of Brunswick County in Saint Andrews Parish being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory; thanks be given to God for it. Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all ... to die; that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a Christian Like manner nothing doubting but the resurrection I shall resume the ... by the mighty power of God And so ... worldly possessions it hath pleased God ,,,and disposing in the following manner: ITEM Iive and bequeath to my well beloved sons Thomas Eaves and Graves Eaves my land and plantation whereon I now live with all my goods and chattels moveables and immovables to them and theirs for ever to be equally divided between the above said Thomas Eaves and Graves Eaves.


Will Book Records for Graves Eaves in Brunswick Co, VA

Eaves Graves Will 1746 WB-1 pp 113 Eaves Graves Inventory & c 1746 WB-2 pp 114


Deed Book 3, Page 365, Graves II Sold Land Inherited From Father

Indenture made 24 November 1747, between Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves of Brunswick County, sons & Devisees of Graves Eaves the Elder Late of the said County decd and John Freeman of Surry County, whereas the said graves Eaves, decd. in & by his last will & Testament proved & Recorded in the Court of the said County of Brunswick 6 February 1741, did amongst other things give & devise unto the said Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves his Land & plantation whereon he lived, £30, on North side of Meherrin River, 100a. Signed Thomas Eaves (bhm), Graves Eaves (bhm). Witnesses: James Clack, Peter Tatum, St. Clack. Court January 7, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves and Leanna the wife of the said Thomas & Sarah the wife of the said Graves personally appeared and relinquished their Right of Dower. Deed Book 3, Page 365.

PropertyLand Patent From King George II in Brunswick Co VALand Patent From King George II in Brunswick Co VA
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