Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas EAVES1785

Thomas EAVES
Given names
Death of a fatherGraves EAVES

Note: Eaves, Thomas 12 July 1762. Brunswick County. 46 acres adjoining Harris’s land.
Death 1785
Note: Eaves Thomas Will 1785 WB-2 pp 503

Deed Book 3, Page 365, Graves II Sold Land Inherited From Father

Indenture made 24 November 1747, between Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves of Brunswick County, sons & Devisees of Graves Eaves the Elder Late of the said County decd and John Freeman of Surry County, whereas the said graves Eaves, decd. in & by his last will & Testament proved & Recorded in the Court of the said County of Brunswick 6 February 1741, did amongst other things give & devise unto the said Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves his Land & plantation whereon he lived, £30, on North side of Meherrin River, 100a. Signed Thomas Eaves (bhm), Graves Eaves (bhm). Witnesses: James Clack, Peter Tatum, St. Clack. Court January 7, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves and Leanna the wife of the said Thomas & Sarah the wife of the said Graves personally appeared and relinquished their Right of Dower. Deed Book 3, Page 365.


Eaves, Thomas 12 July 1762. Brunswick County. 46 acres adjoining Harris’s land.

Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.


Eaves Thomas Will 1785 WB-2 pp 503 Eaves Thomas Inventory & c 1785 WB-5 pp 141 Eaves Thomas A/C Sales 1785 WB-5 pp 142