Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William EAVES1688

William EAVES
Given names
Birth of a son
Graves EAVES
about 1678
Birth of a daughter
June 1680
Will June 20, 1688
Note: On Aug 15 1688 the last will and testament of William Eves, deceased, was accepted for probate by the Northumberland Co Court, being proved by oaths of Jno. Bryan and Thomas and Mary Dutton. The will has not survived but the Jan 21 1711/12 division of land by the deceased William Eves and between sons Graves and Thomas did. (North. Co VA Record Book 1710-1713.)
Death August 1688

On Aug 15 1688 the last will and testament of William Eves, deceased, was accepted for probate by the Northumberland Co Court, being proved by oaths of Jno. Bryan and Thomas and Mary Dutton. The will has not survived but the Jan 21 1711/12 division of land by the deceased William Eves and between sons Graves and Thomas did. (North. Co VA Record Book 1710-1713.)