Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Note: Thomas Scott widower, laborer, of this parish, son of John, laborer married Mary Cole widow, of this parish, daughter of John Bywaters, farmer. Witnesses: Sarah Cook and William Peacock. (Record from Graveley Parish Record) The 1851 census for Thomas Scott states that he was born in Bury, Huntingdonshire.
Birth of a son
Thomas SCOTT
about 1781
Note: Bury is 11 miles north of the city of Huntingdon. Birth date taken from 1841 census.
Marriage of a childThomas SCOTTMary FISHERView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 13, 1806
Note: Thomas Scott's first marriage - from Graveley Parish Registers:
Marriage of a childThomas SCOTTJane BRAINESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 18, 1828
Note: After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-183…

Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch

Marriage of a childThomas SCOTTMary Cole BYWATERSView this family
November 11, 1845
Marriage of a childThomas SCOTTMary Cole BYWATERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 11, 1845

Death of a sonThomas SCOTT
January 7, 1854 Age: 71

Thomas Scott widower, laborer, of this parish, son of John, laborer married Mary Cole widow, of this parish, daughter of John Bywaters, farmer. Witnesses: Sarah Cook and William Peacock. (Record from Graveley Parish Record) The 1851 census for Thomas Scott states that he was born in Bury, Huntingdonshire.