Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

George SCOTTAge: 67 years18161883

George SCOTT
Given names
Birth 1816 35
Baptism June 23, 1816
Birth of a son

Death of a motherMary FISHER
about 1820 (Age 4 years)

Burial of a sisterElizabeth SCOTT
1826 (Age 10 years)
Note: From Gravely parish records, 1826 Elizabeth Scott, 13, Graveley, buried.
CensusAnn COOPERView this family

Note: 1860 Census for Ann Scott
Marriage of a parentThomas SCOTTJane BRAINESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 18, 1828 (Age 12 years)
Note: After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-183…

Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch

Birth of a half-brotherHenry SCOTT
August 2, 1829 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJames SCOTT
about 1833 (Age 17 years)
Possible Baptism Record of James, son of Thomas & Jane Scott
Possible Baptism Record of James, son of Thomas & Jane Scott

Note: This is the only James Scott born in Graveley in this time frame. The name of the mother is Elizabeth and there is another record of a girl named Mary Scott born to a Thomas & Elizabeth Scott in 1831. It is possible (likely) that the name Elizabeth is an error because there is no other Thomas Scott married in Graveley and young James Scott, 9, is listed in Thomas & Jane Scott's family in the 1841 census. The baby Mary Scott had died in 1835.

Birth of a half-sisterElizabeth SCOTT
November 13, 1834 (Age 18 years)
Note: Graveley parish baptism records state: Oct 27, 1835 Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Thomas and Jane, born 13 Nov 1834.
MarriageAnn COOPERView this family
June 8, 1835 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a half-brotherThomas SCOTT
January 8, 1837 (Age 21 years)
Note: Graveley baptism records state: July 2, 1837 Thomas, son of Thomas and Jane Scott, born 8 Jan.
Birth of a half-sisterAnn SCOTT
April 1840 (Age 24 years)
Death of a half-sisterAnn SCOTT
September 17, 1840 (Age 24 years)
Census 1841 (Age 25 years)
Burial of a half-sisterElizabeth SCOTT
July 27, 1842 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a half-brotherRobert SCOTT
October 20, 1842 (Age 26 years)
Note: Birth record verifies that Robert's father was Thomas, mother was Jane Braynes and his birthdate w…
Death of a half-brotherThomas SCOTT
June 28, 1845 (Age 29 years)
Cause: Phthisis (TB)
Note: From the GRO records, St Neots District:
Marriage of a parentThomas SCOTTMary Cole BYWATERSView this family
November 11, 1845 (Age 29 years)
Marriage of a parentThomas SCOTTMary Cole BYWATERSView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 11, 1845 (Age 29 years)

Death of a half-brotherHenry SCOTT
April 11, 1846 (Age 30 years) Age: 16
Note: From the Graveley parish burial records: Apr 11, 1846 Henry Scott, 16.
1850 (Age 34 years)
Note: From Emerald Isle British Mission Emigration Register Cambridgeshire
Census 1851 (Age 35 years)
Note: 1851 England Census about George Scott
CensusAnn COOPERView this family
1851 (Age 35 years)
Note: 1851 Census for Ann Scott George Scott
Death of a fatherThomas SCOTT
January 7, 1854 (Age 38 years) Age: 71
Immigration December 1855 (Age 39 years)

Note: New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about George Scott
Census 1856 (Age 40 years)

Note: 1856 Census for George and Ann Scott in Iowa shows that Robert Scott had already left his brother's …
LDS baptism September 23, 1860 (Age 44 years)
Note: Early Members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints about George Scott Sr
Death October 11, 1883 (Age 67 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 13, 1806Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
15 months
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
4 years
Father’s family with Jane BRAINES - View this family
Marriage: July 18, 1828Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
1 year
Birth: August 2, 1829 48 30Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: April 11, 1846Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
4 years
22 months
Elizabeth SCOTT
Birth: November 13, 1834 53 36Graveley
Burial: July 27, 1842Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
2 years
3 years
Birth: April 1840 59 41Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: September 17, 1840Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
3 years
Father’s family with Mary Cole BYWATERS - View this family
Marriage: November 11, 1845Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Marriage: November 11, 1845
Father’s family with Sarah - View this family
Family with Ann COOPER - View this family
Marriage: June 8, 1835Yelling, Huntingdonshire, England


1860 Census for Ann Scott Birth Place: England Home in 1860: Kane, Pottawattamie, Iowa Post Office: Council Bluffs George Scott 45 Ann Scott 48 John Scott 19 George Scott 17 Henry Scott 13 Thomas Scott 10 William Scott 3


From Emerald Isle British Mission Emigration Register Cambridgeshire Nov 1855

British Mission Emigration Register page 2


1851 England Census about George Scott Age: 30 Spouse's Name: Ann Scott Where born: Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Civil Parish: Graveley Sub-registration district: St Neots George Scott 30 Ann Scott 37 John Scott 10 George Scott 7 Henry Scott 2 Thomas Scott 7 Mo


1851 Census for Ann Scott George Scott

Civil Parish: Graveley George Scott 30 Ann Scott 37 Yelleny Hunts John Scott 10 George Scott 7 Henry Scott 2 Thomas Scott 7 Mo John Richardson 16


New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about George Scott Arrival Date: 31 Dec 1855 Ethnicity/ Nationality: English Place of Origin: England Port of Departure: Liverpool, England Destination: United States of America Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Emerald Isle


1856 Census for George and Ann Scott in Iowa shows that Robert Scott had already left his brother's family after arriving from England in 1855.

1856 State Census Kane, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA George Scott 38 Ann Scott 40 John Scott 16 George Scott 14 Henry Scott 8 Thomas Scott 6

LDS baptism

Early Members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints about George Scott Sr Name: George Scott Sr Birth Date: Jan 1816 Birth Place: England Death Date: Oct 1883 Death Place: near Weston, Pottawattamie, Iowa Source: Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book A, p. 187/ Early Reorganization Minutes, 1872-1905, Book C/ Saints' Herald Obituaries, 1884, p. 31 Notes: George Scott, Sr., was baptized a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 23 September 1860 by E. C. Briggs. He was confirmed by Briggs, J. H. Blakeslee, and Hull

BaptismGeorge scott Baptism, 1816, GraveleyGeorge scott Baptism, 1816, Graveley
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CensusScott Families in Graveley Census of 1841Scott Families in Graveley Census of 1841
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ReligionList of Mormons Destined for US - George Scott Family with RobertList of Mormons Destined for US - George Scott Family with Robert
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ImmigrationShip Emerald Isle, 1855 - George & Robert Scott Arrival to NYCShip Emerald Isle, 1855 - George & Robert Scott Arrival to NYC
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