Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Benjamin “Ben” MAGEEAge: 49 years17981847

Benjamin “Ben” MAGEE
Given names
Birth 1798 33 27
Note: The following information was obtained from the Genealogy of William Magee and Mary Margaret James a…
Birth of a sisterDorcas MAGEE
1800 (Age 2 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherElizabeth
after January 6, 1800 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherJeremiah MAGEE
January 10, 1801 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherZachariah MAGEE
1802 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a sisterMary “Polly” MAGEE
1803 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherWilliam MAGEE
January 5, 1813 (Age 15 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam MAGEE
1827 (Age 29 years)
Note: 1830 Federal Census, Washington Parish, Louisiana. Mary Magee head of household.
Death of a sisterDorcas MAGEE
March 29, 1836 (Age 38 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam MAGEE
March 30, 1847 (Age 49 years)
Death April 22, 1847 (Age 49 years)
Note: The webpage says that the follow…
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: Richmond Co, GA
elder brother
John “Bud” MAGEE
Birth: January 13, 1792 27 21Washington Co GA
Death: October 1877Clifton, LA
4 years
elder brother
3 years
3 years
younger sister
1 year
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
10 years
younger brother
William MAGEE
Birth: January 5, 1813 48 42Washington Parish LA
Death: March 30, 1847Washington Parish LA


The following information was obtained from the Genealogy of William Magee and Mary Margaret James and their Descendants, as prepared by the William Magee Committee, Washington Parish, Louisiana.

Benjamin, along with brothers, John and Hazekiah Magee, enlisted December 1814, to serve under General Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. They served in Captain William Bickham’s Company of the 12th & 13th Louisiana Regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas C. Warner. They were discharged March 1815, at the Madisonville Navy Yard. Record of service for Benjamin is shown as December 23, 1814 to March 10, 1815. Benjamin Magee homesteaded what is now the Donald Warren Place, two miles north of Clifton, Louisiana. His home was a large two story log building. He was a good farmer, a community leader in all social, spiritual and business matters, and an avid and successful hunter. He was a rural pioneer mail carrier at the time of his death. The family of Benjamin Magee is enumerated on the 1820-1840 Washington Parish Louisiana census records. In 1820, they were parents of one female, aged 5 years. By 1830, they had three males and three females, aged 5 to 10 years. Terry is listed as head of household on the 1850 census, with eight children in the home. Following Benjamin’s death, his son, Zachariah and Benjamin’s brother, John Magee, both filed suits in 1851 for settlement of his estate. The final settlement is unknown but according to the Bounty Land Application in 1857, John Magee at some time became guardian to his brother’s minor children. He, as guardian of minors under age 21, and “next friend” to minors age 21, filed an application in behalf of their father’s War of 1812 service. Land of 160 acres was issued on March 1, 1858. Terry Ginn Magee remarried June 2, 1951, to Jesse Crawford, a Baptist Minister of the Pike County, Mississippi, area. There were no known children of this marriage. She and Jesse are buried at the Silver Creek Church Cemetery. Benjamin Magee, his daughter, Harriet, and Terri O. Magee, daughter of John Magee, III, are buried near his old home on the Donald Warren property. A government marker was placed at the approximate site of his grave by descendants in 1954. (Taken from donnacarnahan1 on


The webpage says that the following clipping was found in Thomas I. King Bible:

Marble set up at grave of Benjamin Magee, War of 1812 Marker, on the old Donald Warren place just north of Clifton. He was the third child of William Magee I and his wife Mary James, born in the late 1790's in Mississippi. In December 1814 he and two of his brothers - John and Hezekiah and forty-odd others joined Gen. Jackson's troops near Ben's Ford. He was in Capt. William Bickham's Company of the 13th Louisiana Regiment, and was discharged in Madisonville Navy Yards, on March 14th, 1815. He married and settled on what is now the Don Warren place about 1820. Had nine children. One son, Dr. Huey, was one of the first medical graduate physicians in the Parish. Benjamin died April 22nd, 1847. His wife, Terry Magee then married Rev. Jesse Crawford. She died July 25th, 1858.