Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Mary Ann COLLINSAge: 82 years18301912

Given names
Mary Ann
Married name
Mary Ann Gant
Married name
Mary Ann Mulvahill
Birth 1830 28

Note: From her death certificate and also from various census records.
MarriageThomas GANTView this family

Birth of a brotherMichael COLLINS
January 31, 1830
Birth of a brotherJohn COLLINS
September 7, 1832 (Age 2 years)

Note: John Collins Baptism in Mullins Rea
Death of a brotherJohn COLLINS
1832 (Age 2 years)

Death of a fatherMichael COLLINS
before 1861 (Age 31 years)

MarriageDaniel MULVIHILLView this family
November 11, 1877 (Age 47 years)
Note: Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials
Death of a brotherJohn COLLINS
April 9, 1880 (Age 50 years) Age: 45
Note: Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1947 For John Collins
CensusDaniel MULVIHILLView this family
1881 (Age 51 years) Age: 70
Note: 1881 Census of Canada For Daniel Mulvahill [Daniel Mulvihill ]
CensusDaniel MULVIHILLView this family
1891 (Age 61 years)

Note: 1891 Census of Canada For Ann Mulvahill
Death March 10, 1912 (Age 82 years) Age: 81

Note: Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1948
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 28, 1816Killaveny Parish, Wicklow
4 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
Birth: August 31, 1823 21Knocknaboley, Killaveny RC Parish, Wicklow
Death: 1832
23 months
elder sister
5 years
1 month
3 years
younger brother
Family with Daniel MULVIHILL - View this family
Marriage: November 11, 1877Uptergrove, Ontario, Canada
Family with Thomas GANT - View this family


From her death certificate and also from various census records.


Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials Mary Ann Gant [Mary Ann Collins] Gender: Female Event Type: Marriage Marriage Date: 11 Nov 1877 Marriage Place: Uptergrove, Ontario, Canada Father: Michael Collins Mother: Mary Saunders Spouse: Daniel Mulvihill


1881 Census of Canada For Daniel Mulvahill [Daniel Mulvihill ] Gender: Male Marital status: Married Age: 70 Birth Year: 1811 Birthplace: Ireland Religion: Catholic Nationality: Irish Occupation: Farmer Province: Ontario District Number: 133 District: Ontario North Sub-District Number: G Subdistrict: Mara Division: 2 Household Members:
Name Age Daniel Mulvahill 70 Ann C. Mulvahill 50


1891 Census of Canada For Ann Mulvahill [Ann Mulvihill] [Mary Ann Gant] [Mary Ann Collins] Gender: Female Marital status: Married Age: 60 Birth Year: abt 1831 Birth Place: Ireland Residence Date: 1891 Residence Place: Mara, Ontario North, Ontario, Canada Relation to Head: Wife Religion: Roman Catholic Can Read: Yes Can Write: Yes French Canadian: No Spouse's name: Daniel Mulvahill Household Members:
Name Age Daniel Mulvahill 80 Ann Mulvahill 60 Mary Collins 90 (Mother of Mary, Widow of Michael Collins) Jane Kennedy 50 Enumeration District: 100


Ontario, Canada, Deaths and Deaths Overseas, 1869-1948 Name: Ann Mulvahill [Mary Ann Mulvihill] [Mary Ann Gant] [Mary Ann] Age: 81 Birth Date: abt 1831 Birth Place: Ireland Death Date: 10 Mar 1912 Death Place: Ontario, Ontario, Canada Cause of Death: Senile Decay


Killaveney Parish baptism: Aug 7, 1825. Margaret Strahan was sponsor.

DeathDeath of Ann Mulvihill, Daughter of Michael Collins, 1912, Mara OntDeath of Ann Mulvihill, Daughter of Michael Collins, 1912, Mara Ont
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