John SNELLAge: 78 years1756–1835
- Name
- John SNELL
- Given names
- John
- Surname
![]() | July 10, 1756 37 36 |
![]() | Mary Catherine FRITCHMAN April 12, 1757 (Age 9 months) |
![]() | Elias SNELL April 11, 1759 (Age 2 years) Note: On Wednesday April 11th died after Some Days Illness, and on Thursday April 12th was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Elias Snell, a Native of Germany, but residing in So. Carolina Since the Year 1735. Aged almost 40 years (Book of Records, Orangeburgh)
![]() | Henry SNELL February 25, 1763 (Age 6 years) Inventory From South Carolina Records Note: From Fold3 web site, May 6, 1763, no place of record given.
![]() | Militia 1780 (Age 23 years) |
![]() #1 | John SNELL Jr December 10, 1794 (Age 38 years) |
![]() #2 | Anna SNELL 1797 (Age 40 years) |
![]() #3 | Sarah SNELL 1800 (Age 43 years) |
![]() #4 | Hamlin A SNELL 1806 (Age 49 years) Note: According to census records of 1860 and 1870.
![]() #5 | Delila SNELL about 1811 (Age 54 years) Note: Some genealogists claim Delila was born about 1797 in SC.
![]() | 1819 (Age 62 years) |
![]() | 1830 (Age 73 years) Note: In 1830 John Snell Sr and Jr families were living together in Wilcox AL. Nearby were his daughters' familes - John Carr and William Thompson.
![]() | Elizabeth RIDGILL about 1832 (Age 75 years) |
![]() | Baptist 1833 (Age 76 years) |
![]() | Land Patents 1834 (Age 77 years) Note: John Snell received some land by 1831 according to Alabama Land Office Records in Cahaba Al. He also… |
![]() | 1835 (Age 78 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Elias SNELL Birth: 1719 35 — Germany Death: April 11, 1759 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
mother |
Mary Catherine FRITCHMAN Birth: 1720 Death: April 12, 1757 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
Marriage: February 24, 1746 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
7 years elder sister |
Elizabeth Barbara SNELL Birth: May 10, 1753 34 33 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
15 months elder sister |
Ann Margaret SNELL Birth: August 13, 1754 35 34 — Orangeburg, South Carolina Death: August 26, 1755 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
23 months himself |
John SNELL Birth: July 10, 1756 37 36 — Orangeburg, South Carolina Death: 1835 — Wilcox Co, AL |
Father’s family with Anna Barbara MEYER |
father |
Elias SNELL Birth: 1719 35 — Germany Death: April 11, 1759 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
step-mother |
Anna Barbara MEYER Death: 1745 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
Marriage: 1738 — Orangeburg, South Carolina |
Family with Elizabeth RIDGILL |
himself |
John SNELL Birth: July 10, 1756 37 36 — Orangeburg, South Carolina Death: 1835 — Wilcox Co, AL |
wife |
Elizabeth RIDGILL Birth: 1765 31 32 — South Carolina Death: about 1832 — Alabama |
daughter |
Delila SNELL Birth: about 1811 54 46 Death: 1847 — Alabama |
daughter | |
son |
John SNELL Jr Birth: December 10, 1794 38 29 — Orangeburg, South Carolina Death: March 7, 1870 — Monroe Co, Alabama |
3 years daughter |
Anna SNELL Birth: 1797 40 32 — South Carolina Death: 1860 — Butler, Alabama |
daughter | |
daughter |
Sarah SNELL Birth: 1800 43 35 — South Carolina |
7 years son |
Hamlin A SNELL Birth: 1806 49 41 — South Carolina Death: 1880 — Texas |
daughter |
Residence | John Snell in Alabama, Alabama Territory. Town: Claiborne Residence Year: 1819 Remarks: List of Letters, 18 Jan 1819, remaining in Claiborne Post Office 31 Dec 1819 "which if not taken out of the office previous to the 31st of March 1819 will be sent . . . as dead letters." |
Census | In 1830 John Snell Sr and Jr families were living together in Wilcox AL. Nearby were his daughters' familes - John Carr and William Thompson. |
Religion | The Fellowship Church was located on a high hill on the boundary between Butler and Wilcox Counties. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 31.91938, Longitude: -86.90799. Sandra Nunley, Genforum, reported \"Some early 1800 church records for Mt. Moriah Fellowship Baptist Chuch in Wilcox Co., AL. Aug 31, 1833 ... lists \"new members\" as \"John Snell and wife Elizabeth Snell\" (My note: This is probably John Snell Jr.)... I stopped at 1839, the records were very difficult to read. Also appearing in the membership records are: Naeth(sp?) Snell dismissed in 1835 Edward Snell baptized 1835, died Nov 1838 Hamlen Snell baptized 1835 (excluded) Liddy a colored woman, property of John Snell, Sr. Solomon, a colored man, property of John Snell, Sr. Mary Jane Snell, a new member Sep 30 1834 Hamblin A. Snell - new member\" Other names and facts gleaned from the book published by the Alabama Historical Quarterly, Vol 17 No 4, 1955. Names of Snell slaves who were admitted into the church: Liddy, Silva, Fellis, July, Mahala, Jinny, Ned property of J Snell Solomon, Ned property of John Snell Sr (Sept 6, 1837) Jim, property of H A Snell Jun 2 1838. \"...took up the case of Moses a Colored man property Josiah Hill for disobedience ... appointed commission ...John Snell to visit said Boy and get all information ...\" Mar 2 1839 \"..appointed a committee ...John Snell .... to Regulated the preaching ... of visiting preachers.\" Sept 5 1840 Brother HA Snell \"..came forward stated that he had in case of self defense been constrained to do what he regretted and was sorry .... Committee ...satisfied with Brother Snell's acknowledgement ...\" Jan 6 1844 \"...unfavorable reports in circulation respecting ... H A Snell and Henry Beard.\" Apr 6 1844 motion \"H A Snell excluded from membership.\" The last observed entry for J Snell was Dec 5 1846. |
Property | John Snell received some land by 1831 according to Alabama Land Office Records in Cahaba Al. He also received patents for other land by 1834. NAME: John Snell LAND OFFICE: Cahaba DOCUMENT NUMBER: 8328 TOTAL ACRES: 80.75 ISSUE DATE: 1 Dec 1831 ENTRY CLASSIFICATION: Sale-Cash Entries LAND DESCRIPTION: 1 E½SE ST STEPHENS No 12N 10E 20? |
Death | From Judge of Probate, Wilcox Co., Roland Cooper, Judge, Camden, Alabama; 36726 Vol 1, pp 356-358. Will dated 30 Dec 1835, Proved 15 Jan 1838. "I John Snell Senior being of sound mind and memory but feeble in Body All of my personal property be sold and be devided amonst my heirs viz: Mys son John Snell Daughter Lovey Carr, wife of John Carr; Anna Kebler wife of Pete Kebler ;Mary Welmore wife of Samuel Welmore deceased Sarah Thompson wife of William Thompson, Delila Moore wife of Isaac Moore my son Hamlin A. Snell and my Daughter Lavincey Snell (youngest). My slaves be drawn by lot with my youngest dau Lavincey Snell. My daughter Lavincey Snell to have the tract of land that is my plantation that lies by John Snell Jr., Abraham Hale and others being 80 acres. Also my grey mare Fanny, and household furniture. If I die before paying what I owe on land, pay to Hamlin A. Snell 800 dollars, the sum he has promised St John Waftie (?)" Exc: my son John Snell Jr. my son Hamlin A. Snell, my friend Watkins Salter. Wit: Watkins Salter, D Wardlaw, John Lowe, Signed John Snell. |
Note | An unverified genealogy for Delila Snell's family appeared in Rootsweb. Not to be accepted at face value. From: Subject: Re: [SNELL] Snell's Schnell From Germany: Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:29:12 EST Descendants of Henry Snell Henry Snell was born about 1680 in Europe, and died February 25, 1763 in Orangeburgh, South Carolina. He married ( 1 ) Barbara before 1730 in South Carolina. She was born about 1683 in Europe, and died January 31, 1756 in Orangeburgh, SC. He married ( 2 ) Anna Catharina Barr after April l, 1758 in Orangeburgh, SC. She was born in Orangeburgh, SC. Children of Henry Snell and Barbara are: Barnard Snell, b. about 1725 in Germany; d. May 1782 of illness, James Island, Charleston, SC. He was waiting to be evacuated to Nova Scotia. Elias Snell, b. 1719, in Germany; d. April 11, 1759, Orangeburgh, SC. Henry Snell Jr, b. about 1721, in Germany Hans Adam Snell, b. about 1722, in Germany; d. after 1803 Child of Henry Snell and Anna Barr is: Anna Catherine Snell, b. May 03, 1758, Orangeburgh, SC; d. October 25, 1856 Generation No. 2 Bernard Snell married ( 1) Elizabeth Stillwell. He married ( 2 ) Susanna Elisabetha Shuler on February 24, 1746, daughter of Hans Shuler and Anna Saner. She was born May 12, 1728 in Waldmohr, Zwerbrueckin, Germany and died in Orangeburgh, SC. Children of Barnard Snell and Elizabeth Stillwell are: George Snell David Snell Daniel Snell Children of Barnard Snell and Susanna Shuler are: Christopher (also known as Christian) Snell, b. December 20, 1752, Orangeburgh, SC; d. about 1810 in Montgomery County, Georgia. Anna Margaret Snell, b. May 15, 1751, Orangeburgh, SC; d. about 1829; married Adam Frolick in 1779. Maria Elizabeth Snell, b. March 30, 1754, Orangeburgh, SC; married John Thornton Maria Magdalena Snell, b. September 16, 1757, Orangeburgh, SC. Nancy Ann Snell Adam Snell, b. 1758 George Henry Snell, b. about 1764; married Rebecca Malott David Snell, b. April 20, 1768. Elias Snell married (1 ) Anna Barbara Meyer on January 31, 1737, daughter of John Meyer. She was born 1723 in Pratteln, Basel, Switzerland. Elias married ( 2 ) Mary Catherine Fritchman after April, 1750. She was born in 1720. Children of Elias Snell and Mary Fritchman are: Elizabeth Barbara Snell, b. May 20, 1753, Orangeburgh, SC. Ann Margaret Snell, b. August 13, 1754, Orangeburgh, SC.; d. August 26, 1755. John Snell, b. July 10, 1756, Orangeburgh, SC. Henry Snell, Jr. married Julianna before April 14, 1754. She was born in 1721. Children of Henry Snell and Julianna are: John Peter Snell, b. June 24, 1755 in Orangeburgh, SC.; he married Catherine Horger, b. about 1755 in Orangeburgh, SC. Catharina Snell, b. February 02, 1757 in Orangeburgh, SC. John Frederick Snell, b. September 23, 1759 in Orangeburgh, SC. Hans Adam Snell married Margaret Utsey February 24, 1746, daughter of John Utsey and Mary Shaumloffel. She was born 1731 in Switzerland and died March 15, 1757 in Orangeburgh, SC. Children of Hans Adam Snell and Margaret Utsey are: Catharine Magdalene Snell, b. April 14, 1747; d. 1789 in South Carolina. Elizabeth Snell, b. March 10, 1747 in Orangeburgh, SC.; d. January 15, 1754 Johannes Snell, b. March 28, 1752 in Orangeburgh, SC. Johann Snell, b. August 24, 1754 in Orangeburgh, SC; he married Mary Horger, b. about 1754. Magdalene Snell, b. February 10, 1757, in Orangeburgh, SC. Sarah Snell, b. July 16, 1758, in Orangeburgh, SC. Jacob Snell, b. September 21, 1759, in Orangeburgh, SC.; he married Ann Margaret. Anna Catherine Snell married John Henry Felder in 1773, son of Hans Felder and Ursula. He was born in 1725 in Switzerland and died 1780 in Orangeburgh, SC. He served as a Captain in the American Revolution. Children of Anna Snell and John Henry Felder are: Ann Margaret Felder, b. January 21, 1774 in Orangeburgh, SC.; d. October 25, 1851. David Felder Rachel Felder, b. 1772 in Orangeburgh, SC. Generation No. 3 Christopher Snell married (1 ) Unknown about 1781. He married ( 2 ) Ascenith Lamb about 1794, daughter of Abraham Lamb and Mary. She was born about 1780 in Georgia. Children of Christopher Snell and Unknown are: Mary Snell, b. about 1782 William Snell, b. 1789 Children of Christopher Snell and Ascentih Lamb are: Isaac Snell, b. 1795, d. 1857 in Texas. Isham Snell, b. about 1797 John Snell, b. 1798 in Georgia Seaboran Snell, b. 1801 Amos Snell, b. 1804 in Georgia Barnabas L. W. Snell, b. 1806 in Montgomery County, Georgia; d. about 1856 in Georgia. George Washington Wesley Snell, b. December 2, 1808 in Montgomery County, Georgia; d. March 15, 1876 in Johnson County, Georgia. Adam Snell married Mary Horger and their child is: Elizabeth Snell, b. December 17, 1780 John Snell, born July 10, 1756, and his children are: John Snell, b. about 1790 in Alabama Lovey Snell, b. about 1792 in Alabama Anna Snell, b. about 1794 in Alabama Mary Snell, b. about 1796 in Alabama Sarah Snell, b. about 1798 in Alabama Delila Snell, b. about 1800 in Alabama Hamlin Snell, b. about 1802 in Alabama Lavincey Snell, b. about 1804 in Alabama |
Note | Taken from: "Descendants of William Ridgill". ELIZABETH3 RIDGILL (RICHARD2, WILLIAM1, WILLIAMA RIDGELL) was born 1765 in South Carolina, and died 1832. She married JOHN SNELL Abt. 1784 in South Carolina, son of ELIAS SNELL and MARY FRITCHMAN. He was born July 10, 1756 in Orangeburg Dist. South Carolina, and died December 30, 1835 in Wilcox Co. Alabama. |
Birth | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,206 × 233 pixels File size: 337 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no |
Census | Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,093 × 306 pixels File size: 456 KB Type: Manuscript Highlighted image: no |
Property | Land Patent for John Snell in Wilcox AL Format: application/pdf File size: 1,096 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no |
Property | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 3,649 × 1,293 pixels File size: 481 KB Type: Document Highlighted image: no |