Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John ROBERTS1808

Given names
MarriageElizabeth View this family

Note: Elizabeth Roberts was named as John Roberts' widow in his estate records of 1808.
Marriage of a childJohn BOYDMary ROBERTSView this family
June 1, 1784
Note: Mary applied for a pension after John died in 1840. He had received his Rev War pension up to that point. In the application Mary gives her maiden name, where they were married and the names of her children.
Census 1786
Note: Tax List for Surry Co NC
Census 1790
Note: 1790 United States Federal Census For John Roberds

Will 1808 (on the date of death)

Death 1808
Note: John Roberts left a large estate. The Surry County Book "Accounts, Inventories, Sales, 1784-1809" contains a complete list of items sold and also has the names of people who inherited, including John Boyd - the husband of daughter Mary Roberts.
Probate May 1808
Note: The final settlement of the estate of John Robers totaled 1666 Pounds, 3 shillings and 10 Pence and …
Birth of a daughter
February 16, 1864 (56 years after death)
Note: Birth from findagrave.
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Elizabeth - View this family


Elizabeth Roberts was named as John Roberts' widow in his estate records of 1808.


Tax List for Surry Co NC

James Roberts - Surry County, NC - Humphres District - 1786 John Roberts - Surry County, NC - Humphres District - 1786 Mark Roberts - Surry County, NC - Willeses District - 1786


1790 United States Federal Census For John Roberds [John Roberts] Surry, North Carolina Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 2 Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 4 Free White Persons - Females: 6 Number of Slaves: 4 Number of Household Members: 16


Early Settlers of Surry County

Source: The Heritage of Surry County, North Carolina, Volume I

Surry County was settled largely by second generation Americans who were born in Virginia. Some came before the Revolution looking for land; some came to receive land in payment for services in the Revolution; some were simply land speculators; and some passed through and stayed only long enough to grow food to take them to another place. ........ They traveled in groups of extended family, neighbors or in groups that had a common religious bond. They followed the same pattern in settlement and in marriage. They married where they were. And if they did not migrate, they were given their portion of land adjoining the family. This pattern is still true of farm families today. ....... Another example of a travel group was Matthew CREED and his brother Bennett who came to Surry about 1770. They brought adult and teenage children with them. Also included were Matthew's wife's family, the McKinneys, Richard Lawrence with seventeen children, Edward Moore and Rodham Moore (who settled in Patrick but whose son Gabriel settled in Surry and married into the Lawrence family).

It is believed that the GORDON family came with them as well as the Herring and DUDLEY families. This group settled in the area south of Mt. Airy on the Turner's Mountain and the Red Brush section; others who came with them were the ROBERTS, Robertson and the very wealthy McCraw families. Descendants are here today through hundreds settled in the west.


According to the following entry from rootsweb the father of Mary Roberts, wife of John Boyd of Surry NC and Hendricks IN, was John Roberts of Surry who died in 1808.

John ROBERTS family in Surry Co. NC. He died in 1808 Surry Co. NC and left a large family including; Susannah 1756, James born 1758, Elizabeth 1760, Martha born 1762, Mary born 1764, John 1766, Francis born 1768,William born 1770, Ann born 1772, Joshua born 1774,Jonathan born 1776, Jane born 1778, Hugh born 1780, Sarah born 1782. Son in laws who inherited from the estate were John TACHARRAH, Lewis FOLKNOR, John BOYD, John DOUGLASS, John STONE, William STONE. Sons Jonathan and James ROBERTS remained in Surry Co. NC. Joshua ROBERTS moved to Logan Co. KY. Hugh ROBERTS moved to TN. William ROBERTS moved to VA. John ROBERTS died 1808 Surry Co. NC.


John Roberts left a large estate. The Surry County Book "Accounts, Inventories, Sales, 1784-1809" contains a complete list of items sold and also has the names of people who inherited, including John Boyd - the husband of daughter Mary Roberts.


The final settlement of the estate of John Robers totaled 1666 Pounds, 3 shillings and 10 Pence and included the sale of seven negroes. The settlement included the order from the State of North Carolina, Surry County: "Pursuant to an order to us from the court to lay off and appoint out what portion will be sufficient for her support, for the term of one year, of Elizabeth Roberts, widow of John Roberts, deceased, do report as follows to Wit: That she have 36 barrels of corn, 500 ponds of bacon, 3 cows and calves, 1 good beef, 4 hogs of her choice, 10 bushel of wheat, 25 gallons of whiskey, 11 dollars in cash for the use of puchasing sugar and coffee, 2 good sides of leather, one horse called by the name of "Old Bay", 12 hg. of wool, 2 ploughs, 2 hoes, and a chopping axe and two sets of gear for ploughing. Under our hand and seale this 23rd day of May, 1808. (One feather bed and furniture omitted above.) Signed Thos. Perkins, Matthew Davis, Leonard Davis, Bennet Creed." The above is a verbatim copy.

PRF CD 81, submitted by E Donovan Mounts

CensusJohn Roberts On Tax Rolls 1786, Surry Co NCJohn Roberts On Tax Rolls 1786, Surry Co NC
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DeathFirst and Last Pages of John Roberts Estate Entry
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