Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Arthur MULDOONAge: 72 years18281901

Given names
Note: Arthur was undoubtedly related to Jane and her mother "Widow" Muldoon and was probably Jane's brother. The evidence about Arthur and William Muldoon are the land tax records of OPS 1838-1842 and the various records from Rochester NY that verify they were brothers from Fermanagh. Arthur's obituary stated he came to Canada with his brother and 3 sisters before moving to New York before 1850. William Muldoon served as a witness to Arthur's naturalization.
Birth July 15, 1828 41
Note: Arthur's obituary gives his birth place. His birthdate is unknown because he gave dates varying from 1810 to 1828 but his application for citizenship give July 15, 1828.
Death of a father<unknown> MULDOON
before 1841 (Age 12 years)

Marriage of a parentFrancis McCABERebecca Maria (Widow) MuldoonView this family
Type: Religious marriage
November 16, 1841 (Age 13 years)
Emigration about 1846 (Age 17 years)
Note: Arthur's Naturalization papers were found in Monroe Co, NY. He stated in 1852 he had come to USA in 1846..
Residence 1849 (Age 20 years)
Address: 267 State St
William and Arthur Muldoon in Rochester, 1849, Neighbors
William and Arthur Muldoon in Rochester, 1849, Neighbors

Note: Directory in Rochester shows the close relationship between Arthur and William Muldoon. At this point they were both married.

Census June 1, 1850 (Age 21 years)
Note: 1850 Census for Arthur Muldone
Census 1860 (Age 31 years)
Note: 1860 Census for Arthur Muldoon
Death of a motherRebecca Maria (Widow) Muldoon
after 1861 (Age 32 years)
Death of a sisterJane MULDOON
October 13, 1875 (Age 47 years)
Burial of a sisterJane MULDOON
1875 (Age 46 years)
Cemetery: St Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Lindsay ONT
Death of a brotherWilliam MULDOON
June 9, 1891 (Age 62 years)
Note: Death certificate 24474 State of NY, Monroe Co

Note: Arthur' Obituary was filled with errors. He was born in 1828, not 1810.
Death May 22, 1901 (Age 72 years)
Note: Cook County, Illinois, U.S., Deaths Index, 1878-1922
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
elder sister
8 years
Birth: July 15, 1828 41Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland
Death: May 22, 1901Cook Co., IL, USA
Mother’s family with Francis McCABE - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1841St Mary's Catholic Church in Lindsay


Arthur's obituary gives his birth place. His birthdate is unknown because he gave dates varying from 1810 to 1828 but his application for citizenship give July 15, 1828.


Arthur's Naturalization papers were found in Monroe Co, NY. He stated in 1852 he had come to USA in 1846..


1850 Census for Arthur Muldone

Age 25 Birthplace Ireland Home in 1850 Rochester Ward 9, Monroe, New York, USA Occupation Cooper Industry Miscellaneous Wood Products Family Number 796 Arthur Muldone 25 Alice Muldone 19 Catharine Muldone 0


1860 Census for Arthur Muldoon Age 32 Birth Place Ireland Home in 1860 Manchester, Ontario, New York Occupation Cooper

Arthur Muldoon 32 M Mannus Muldoon 29 William Muldoon 9 Francis J Muldoon 5 Arthur H Muldoon 4 Bernard J Muldoon 0


Arthur' Obituary was filled with errors. He was born in 1828, not 1810.

ARTHUR MULDOON. Arthur Muldoon was born at Enneskilien, County Fermenagh, Ireland, on Jan. 12, 1810. At the age of 8 years he, with three sisters and a brother left their native country and joined their father, who had preceded them on the death of his wife, and settled in Canada. In 1832 he came to the United States and went to Rochester, N. Y., where he lived until 1864 when he came to this county and settled on a farm near Burdick. He resided on this farm until about a year ago, when he went to Chicago to live with his sons. About two weeks ago he was taken ill with acute bronchitis, and died last Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. The remains were brought to Chesterton Friday morning and the funeral held at St. Patrick's church, Rev. Fr. Juraschek conducting the services, and the remains buried in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. Muldoon was the father of eighteen children, all of whom died before their father except three sons, William H. and Philip J., of Chicago, and Frank J. of Placerville, Cal. The deceased was 91 years 4 months and 12 days old and was an unusually active man for one of his advanced age.

Source: The Chesterton Tribune, Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana; May 31, 1901;


Arthur was undoubtedly related to Jane and her mother "Widow" Muldoon and was probably Jane's brother. The evidence about Arthur and William Muldoon are the land tax records of OPS 1838-1842 and the various records from Rochester NY that verify they were brothers from Fermanagh. Arthur's obituary stated he came to Canada with his brother and 3 sisters before moving to New York before 1850. William Muldoon served as a witness to Arthur's naturalization.


Cook County, Illinois, U.S., Deaths Index, 1878-1922 View record Record details Name Arthur Muldoon Birth Date abt 1809 Birth Place Ireland Death Date 22 May 1901 Death Place Chicago, Cook, Illinois Burial Date 24 May 1901 Burial Place Chesterton, Indiana Death Age 92 Occupation Cooper Race White Gender Male FHL Film Number 1239663

EmigrationArthur Muldoon's Naturalization Paper, 1852, Monroe Co, NYArthur Muldoon's Naturalization Paper, 1852, Monroe Co, NY
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ResidenceWilliam and Arthur Muldoon in Rochester, 1849, NeighborsWilliam and Arthur Muldoon in Rochester, 1849, Neighbors
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Note: Directory in Rochester shows the close relationship between Arthur and William Muldoon. At this point they were both married.