Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Wilson Livingston DYNESAge: 87 years18841971

Wilson Livingston DYNES
Given names
Wilson Livingston
Birth March 22, 1884 34

Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas GRIFFIN
July 29, 1887 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth Ann DYNES
April 1889 (Age 5 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherJane SAUNDERS
after 1890 (Age 5 years)

Note: Jane was listed with her daughter Margaret Phair's family in Forwich in 1891 census of Ontario.
Residence 1930 (Age 45 years)
Note: According to 1930 census.
Death of a motherMary Ann GRIFFIN
November 6, 1936 (Age 52 years)
Residence 1940 (Age 55 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Peter DYNES
August 26, 1955 (Age 71 years)
Note: Death Record: Thomas Peter Dynes
Death of a sisterJane Letitia DYNES
September 15, 1966 (Age 82 years)
Note: From SSN Death Records for Jane L. Byars
Death October 14, 1971 (Age 87 years)
Note: According to obituary he was married twice:
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1875Canada
2 years
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
1 year
elder sister
22 months
5 years
younger sister
-10 years
elder brother
Thomas Peter DYNES
Birth: February 7, 1879 29Howick, Huron Co Ontario
Death: August 26, 1955Omak, Okanogan, Washington
Family with Private - View this family


According to 1930 census.


According to obituary he was married twice:

Mabel Virginia Stanford Dynes (1901 - 1988) Vera Viola Ludlam Dynes (1893 - 1919)*