Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Elias SNELLAge: 40 years17191759

Given names
Birth 1719 35
Birth of a brotherHans Adam “Adam” SNELL
1722 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherBernard “Barnett” SNELL
1725 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherHenry SNELL Jr
1726 (Age 7 years)
Religious marriageAnna Barbara MEYERView this family
1738 (Age 19 years)
Note: 1738 Jan. 31 I \"married Elias Schnell - son of Henry Schnell to Anna Barbara Meyer - John Meyer daughter\" (Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)
Residence 1740 (Age 21 years)
Note: Elias came from Germany to Orangeburg as a young man with his father's family in 1735. He married…
1740 (Age 21 years)
Note: Elias and his father Henry had farm land close to each other NE of the town of Orangeburg SC. They …

Death of a wifeAnna Barbara MEYER
1745 (Age 26 years)
Religious marriageMary Catherine FRITCHMANView this family
February 24, 1746 (Age 27 years)
Note: From Joop Giesendanner's THE BOOK OF RECORD, ORANGEBURG - a translation from the original german ch…
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Barbara SNELL
May 10, 1753 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ann Margaret SNELL
August 13, 1754 (Age 35 years)
Note: 1754 -- Baptized ---- In Orangeburgh Church On Sunday Sept. 1st Ann Margaret, Daughter of Elias &am…
Death of a daughterAnn Margaret SNELL
August 26, 1755 (Age 36 years)
Note: 1755 On Tuesday August 26th died after Some Months Illness & on Wednesday August 27th was enterr…
Death of a motherBarbara
January 31, 1756 (Age 37 years)
Note: On Saturday Morning January 31st died after Thirteen Days Illness and on Sunday February 1st was enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Barbara, Wife of Henry Snell, Senior, of Orangeburgh Township Aged about 72 Years.
Birth of a son
July 10, 1756 (Age 37 years)
Marriage of a parentHenry SNELLCatharina BARRINView this family
1757 (Age 38 years)
Death of a wifeMary Catherine FRITCHMAN
April 12, 1757 (Age 38 years)
Note: from findagrave: Mary Catherine Snell
Birth of a half-sisterAnna Catharina SNELL
May 1, 1758 (Age 39 years)
Note: Anna Catharina, Daughter of Henry Snell Senr & Catharina, his Wife, deceased; born in May 1758. Suret: Adam Snell, Juliana, Wife of Henry Snell Junr. & Anna Catharina Barrin.
Death April 11, 1759 (Age 40 years)
Note: On Wednesday April 11th died after Some Days Illness, and on Thursday April 12th was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Elias Snell, a Native of Germany, but residing in So. Carolina Since the Year 1735. Aged almost 40 years (Book of Records, Orangeburgh)
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
3 years
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Catharina BARRIN - View this family
Marriage: 1757Orangeburg, South Carolina
16 months
Family with Mary Catherine FRITCHMAN - View this family
Marriage: February 24, 1746Orangeburg, South Carolina
7 years
15 months
Ann Margaret SNELL
Birth: August 13, 1754 35 34Orangeburg, South Carolina
Death: August 26, 1755Orangeburg, South Carolina
23 months
Family with Anna Barbara MEYER - View this family
Marriage: 1738Orangeburg, South Carolina


1738 Jan. 31 I \"married Elias Schnell - son of Henry Schnell to Anna Barbara Meyer - John Meyer daughter\" (Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)


Elias came from Germany to Orangeburg as a young man with his father's family in 1735. He married and then acquired property for himself. One property was a town lot within the Village of Orangeburg.

1740 Deed of Elias Snell

\" I have admeasured and laid out unto Elias Snell a tract of land containing one hundred acres situate lying and being in the limits of Orangeburgh Township on the NE side of Pow Pow river in Berkley County in the province aforesaid butting and bounding on all sides on land not laid out and also one town lot in Orangeburgh containing half of an acre known in the grand plat of the said town by No. 246 and have such shape form and marks as appear by the above plats certified the sixth day of Dec 1740.\" (Town lot was located on Wright Street.) Source: Microfilm of original deed located at SC Archives


Elias and his father Henry had farm land close to each other NE of the town of Orangeburg SC. They also had town lots in the original Orangeburgh SC plats.

1740 Deed of Elias Snell Source: Microfilm of original deed located at SC Archives " . . . laid out unto Elias Snell a tract of land containing one hundred acres situate lying and being in the limits of Orangeburgh Township on the NE side of Pow Pow river in Berkley County in the province aforesaid butting and bounding on all sides on land not laid out and also one town lot in Orangeburgh containing half of an acre known in the grand plat of the said town by No. 246 and have such shape form and marks as appear by the above plats certified the sixth day of Dec 1740." (Town lot was located on Wright Street.)

Submitted by: Darlene Athey Hill


From Joop Giesendanner's THE BOOK OF RECORD, ORANGEBURG - a translation from the original german church records.

A List of all those: who have been maryed by me John Giessendanner. 64. (1746/47 Feb 24) 66. Elias Shnell .. to M. Fritchman.


On Wednesday April 11th died after Some Days Illness, and on Thursday April 12th was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Elias Snell, a Native of Germany, but residing in So. Carolina Since the Year 1735. Aged almost 40 years (Book of Records, Orangeburgh)


Evidently, Elias' first with Anna Meyer died since he remarried to Mary Fritchman.

Media objectElias Snell and Other Names on Pioneer Cemetery MarkerElias Snell and Other Names on Pioneer Cemetery Marker
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Image dimensions: 245 × 500 pixels
File size: 63 KB
Type: Photo
Highlighted image: no
MarriageElias Snell's Marriage Recorded in BOOK OF RECORDS, ORANGEBURGElias Snell's Marriage Recorded in BOOK OF RECORDS, ORANGEBURG
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 586 × 162 pixels
File size: 39 KB
Type: Manuscript
Highlighted image: no
ResidenceMap and Description of Elias' LandMap and Description of Elias' Land
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 700 × 707 pixels
File size: 295 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
PropertyElias and Henry Snell Land in Orangeburgh CountyElias and Henry Snell Land in Orangeburgh County
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,150 × 1,538 pixels
File size: 136 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
PropertyOrangeburgh SC Town Lots in 1740Orangeburgh SC Town Lots in 1740
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,749 × 2,364 pixels
File size: 968 KB
Type: Map
Highlighted image: no
MarriageElias Snell and Mary Fritchman Marriage EntryElias Snell and Mary Fritchman Marriage Entry
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 683 × 240 pixels
File size: 89 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectElias Snell's Marriage Recorded in BOOK OF RECORDS, ORANGEBURGElias Snell's Marriage Recorded in BOOK OF RECORDS, ORANGEBURG
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 586 × 162 pixels
File size: 39 KB
Type: Manuscript
Highlighted image: no