Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas BRAINESAge: 81 years17681850

Given names
Birth September 1768
Note: 1766 according to Thomas' Death Certificate but he was baptized Oct 2 1768.
Baptism October 2, 1768 (Age 31 days)
Birth of a sisterMary BRAINES
October 2, 1768 (Age 31 days)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Birth of a sisterElizabeth BRAINES
June 3, 1770 (Age 21 months)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Baptism of a sisterAnn BRAINES
February 23, 1777 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherBenjamin BRAINES
October 24, 1778 (Age 10 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Birth of a brotherHenry BRAINES
August 2, 1779 (Age 10 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Birth of a brotherWilliam BRAINES
January 15, 1781 (Age 12 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Baptism of a brotherJames BRAINES
December 3, 1783 (Age 15 years)
Death of a sisterJane BRAINES
December 1785 (Age 17 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Birth of a brotherGeorge BRAINES
December 30, 1786 (Age 18 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Religious marriageElizabeth DRAPER?View this family
October 23, 1793 (Age 25 years)
Note: This marriage record is possibly the record of Thomas and Elizabeth Braines' (of Keystone) marriage…

Birth of a son
July 13, 1794 (Age 25 years)
Note: The Bishop's Transcript for this entry is wrong. Someone inverted the names of John & Ann in th…
Birth of a son
William? BRAINES
about 1795 (Age 26 years)
Note: According to his marriage record in 1824 to Rebecca Clarke, William was from Lowick Northamptonshire (near Islip). Subsequent census records always indicated he was from Northampstonshire and his last census said he was from Caistor North Hamps. (I believe it was Castor.) No record of William's birth has been found yet.
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth BRAINES
June 26, 1796 (Age 27 years)
Note: Elizabeth Brains in 1796 England Births & Baptisms 1538-1975
Birth of a daughter
September 30, 1798 (Age 30 years)
Note: Probable record of Jane's birth found in English records at (Keyston, in Huntingd…
Birth of a daughter
May 18, 1802 (Age 33 years)
Note: From
Death of a brotherBenjamin BRAINES
September 17, 1803 (Age 35 years)
Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Latitude: N52.400005 Longitude: W0.633333

Death of a sisterAnn BRAINES
October 9, 1803 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
July 1, 1804 (Age 35 years)
Note: In 2013 Benjamin Rippere, a descendant of Ann Braines Loveday, matched autosomal DNA with Tom Gaddis, descendant of Thomas Scott & Jane Braines - Ann's sister. (Family Tree DNA)
Birth of a son
July 27, 1806 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
July 11, 1810 (Age 41 years)
Burial of a brotherJames BRAINES
February 28, 1811 (Age 42 years)
Burial of a motherElizabeth CARLEY
April 6, 1821 (Age 52 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam? BRAINESRebecca CLARKEView this family
Type: Religious marriage
December 3, 1824 (Age 56 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam? BRAINESElizabeth CHRISTIANView this family
July 18, 1828 (Age 59 years)

Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch

Marriage of a childThomas SCOTTJane BRAINESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 18, 1828 (Age 59 years)
Note: After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-183…

Note: "England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch

Marriage of a childGeorge LOVEDAYAnn BRAINESView this family
November 24, 1828 (Age 60 years)
Death of a wifeElizabeth DRAPER?
February 10, 1837 (Age 68 years) Age: 68
Note: From the Keystone Parish Records,
Burial of a sonJohn BRAINES
March 21, 1841 (Age 72 years)
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841

Note: This could be the burial of adult children of Thomas Braines of Keystone, but it is not proven.

Burial of a sonHenry BRAINES
March 23, 1841 (Age 72 years)
Note: England Burials, 1813-1912 for Henry Brains
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841
John and Henry Brains Died in Thrapston, Buried in Islip, 1841

Note: This could be the burial of adult children of Thomas Braines of Keystone, but it is not proven.

Census 1841 (Age 72 years) Age: 70
Note: 1841 Census for Thomas Braines
Map Showing Area Around Keystone circa 1830.
Map Showing Area Around Keystone circa 1830.

Note: Map also shows Keystone Lodge where Elizabeth Braines died.

Death of a sonThomas BRAINES
January 13, 1843 (Age 74 years)
Note: This is the likely entry for Thomas Braines Jr in the Keystone Parish Burial book . Burial Jan 14, 1843 Thomas Braines, 37, Abode Keystone Lodge. Witness: William Groom.
Death of a daughterJane BRAINES
March 14, 1845 (Age 76 years)
Cause: Phthisis (TB)
Note: From the GRO Death records - St Neots District:
Burial of a daughterJane BRAINES
March 17, 1845 (Age 76 years)
Marriage of a childAllen CHURCHMary BRAINESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
January 29, 1846 (Age 77 years)
Death June 26, 1850 (Age 81 years) Age: 84
Note: GRO Record: Thomas Braines, age 84, Shepherd, died Keyston, witnessed by Sophia Rawson, Reg District Thrapston, Subdistrict Raunds, Huntingdonshire. Burial record in Keystone Parish stated: Thomas Braines, age 84, Abode Keystone, Buried Jun 28, 1850. SOG HU/R 38
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 13, 1765Warkton, NorthHants, England
18 months
elder brother
18 months
1 month
younger sister
20 months
younger sister
younger sister
Baptism: February 23, 1777Grafton Underwood, Northhamption, England
Death: October 9, 1803Grafton Underwood, Northhamption, England
20 months
younger brother
Benjamin BRAINES
Birth: One set of parish books says he was born in 1778, another states it was 1773October 24, 1778Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Death: September 17, 1803Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
9 months
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Baptism: December 3, 1783Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
Burial: February 28, 1811Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England
-3 years
younger brother
6 years
younger brother
Family with Elizabeth DRAPER? - View this family
Marriage: October 23, 1793Islip, Northamptonshire, England
9 months
Birth: July 13, 1794 25 22Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Burial: March 21, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England
18 months
18 months
2 years
4 years
2 years
Birth: July 1, 1804 35 32Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: May 23, 1863Islip, Northamptonshire, England
2 years
Birth: July 27, 1806 37 34Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: January 13, 1843Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
4 years
Birth: July 11, 1810 41 38Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Burial: March 23, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England


1766 according to Thomas' Death Certificate but he was baptized Oct 2 1768.


This marriage record is possibly the record of Thomas and Elizabeth Braines' (of Keystone) marriage in England. It is the only record in the Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire databases that matches names, place and era of Thomas and Elizabeth. The Draper family was well established in Bythorn just to the north of Keystone where Thomas and Elizabeth lived most of their married life. In a subsequent baptism record for their son John, Thomas and Elizabeth were recorded as being paupers.

THOMAS BRAINS Marriage 23 Oct 1793 Marriage place ISLIP, Parish Islip Spouse ELIZABETH DRAPER Spouse's parish Islip County Northamptonshire

pg 150 of 206 from Bishop's Transcripts of Islip


1841 Census for Thomas Braines Age 70 Civil Parish: Keyston Hundred: Leightonstone County/Island: Huntingdonshire Registration district: Thrapston Sub-registration district: Raunds Thomas Braines 70 Mary Braines 35 Thomas Braines 31 Jane Braines 5


GRO Record: Thomas Braines, age 84, Shepherd, died Keyston, witnessed by Sophia Rawson, Reg District Thrapston, Subdistrict Raunds, Huntingdonshire. Burial record in Keystone Parish stated: Thomas Braines, age 84, Abode Keystone, Buried Jun 28, 1850. SOG HU/R 38


Thomas probably had a sister Ann Braines, spinster, who married Miles Glover, bachelor of Old Weston on May 18, 1802 in Keyston Hunts. Thomas Braines was witness.

Ann must have died by 1808 since Miles married again to Elizabeth Harbor in Winwick.

Miles Glover Marriage: 17 Oct 1808 Winwick, Huntingdon, England Spouse: Elisabeth Harbor


The Thomas Braines family was listed in Keyston Hunts for the 1841 England census. The entry shows that Elizabeth had probably died before then, Mary was still a spinster and Thomas Jr was still alive. In addition, Jane age 5 was part of the family.

Thomas Braines 70 Shepherd Born in Hunts Mary 35 Hunts Thomas 31 Shepherd Hunts Jane 5 Hunts


It is likely that Thomas and Elizabeth were married in Islip in 1793 and had their first child John there. They then moved to Keystone Huntingdonshire where they lived out their lives. Because they were shepherds it is possible they were away from their home in Keystone for extended periods.

BaptismBaptism of Twins Thomas & Mary Braines in 1768Baptism of Twins Thomas & Mary Braines in 1768
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MarriageMarriage Entry From Islip Parish ChurchMarriage Entry From Islip Parish Church
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MarriageMarriage Entry, Islip, Thomas Brains & Elizabeth Draper, 1793Marriage Entry, Islip, Thomas Brains & Elizabeth Draper, 1793
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CensusMap Showing Area Around Keystone circa 1830.Map Showing Area Around Keystone circa 1830.
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Type: Map
Note: Map also shows Keystone Lodge where Elizabeth Braines died.
DeathThomas Braines Death Record From GROThomas Braines Death Record From GRO
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