Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Henry COOKAge: 90 years18001891

Henry COOK
Given names
Birth November 8, 1800
MarriageSarah SCOTTView this family
September 12, 1825 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
William James COOK
October 16, 1828 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Harriett COOK
December 24, 1831 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Joseph COOK
March 4, 1834 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a son
Henry COOK Jr
1844 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah COOK
1848 (Age 47 years)
ImmigrationSarah SCOTTView this family
Immigration to US On Ship Yorkshire
1849 (Age 48 years)

Note: Henry Cooke
CensusSarah SCOTTView this family
1850 (Age 49 years)
Note: 1850 US Census for Henry Cook
Death of a wifeSarah SCOTT
July 1888 (Age 87 years)
Death May 25, 1891 (Age 90 years)
Family with Sarah SCOTT - View this family
Marriage: September 12, 1825Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
3 years
William James COOK
Birth: October 16, 1828 27 21Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: July 2, 1908Pottawattamie, Iowa
3 years
2 years
11 years
5 years


Henry Cooke Arrival Date: 17 Oct 1849 Birth Date: abt 1801 Age: 48 Port of Departure: Liverpool, England Port of Arrival: New York, New York Ship Name: Yorkshire

Traveling With Sarah 40 & Infant Harriet 18 Servant Joseph 16 Laborer Henry 5


1850 US Census for Henry Cook Birthplace: England Bainbridge, Geauga, Ohio, USA

Henry Cook 50 England Sarah Cook 45 Wm Cook 21 Harriet Cook 19 Joseph Cook 17 Henry Cook 7 Sarah Cook 2


Graveley Parish Records: Henry Cook, Sarah Scott, both of this parish. Witness: John Fisher, Ann Baxter.


Graveley Parish Records: Henry Cook, Sarah Scott, both of this parish. Witness: John Fisher, Ann Baxter.


1841 England Census about Sarah Cook Age: 30 Where born: Cambridgeshire, England Civil Parish: Graveley Hundred: Papworth County/Island: Cambridgeshire Sub-registration district: St Neots

Henry Cook 40 Sarah Cook 30 William Cook 10 Joseph Cook 5 Harriett Cook 10