Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Henry SNELL1763

Given names
Birth of a daughter
Margaret SNELL
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Hans Adam “Adam” SNELL
Birth of a son
Bernard “Barnett” SNELL
Birth of a son
Henry SNELL Jr
Emigration July 1735
Note: Two ships of immigrants from Switzerland and Germany arrived in SC in July 1735. The first ship, SAMUEL, captained by Hugh Percy arrived in Charleston harbor with 250 Swiss. The second, St ANDREW, carried 200 German Palatines and arrived in Charleston a week later. Henry Snell and his family were likely passengers on the second ship since death records in Orangeburgh decades later state that Henry's son Elias was born in Germany. Henry Snell was one of the original land owners whose plats were surveyed in 1735. Elias, his son, married after his arrival and had his property surveyed in 1740.
Marriage of a childElias SNELLAnna Barbara MEYERView this family
Type: Religious marriage
Note: 1738 Jan. 31 I \"married Elias Schnell - son of Henry Schnell to Anna Barbara Meyer - John Meyer daughter\" (Hans Ulrich Giessendanner, the elder)
Marriage of a childElias SNELLMary Catherine FRITCHMANView this family
Type: Religious marriage
February 24, 1746
Note: From Joop Giesendanner's THE BOOK OF RECORD, ORANGEBURG - a translation from the original german ch…
Death of a wifeBarbara
January 31, 1756
Note: On Saturday Morning January 31st died after Thirteen Days Illness and on Sunday February 1st was enterred in the Church Yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Barbara, Wife of Henry Snell, Senior, of Orangeburgh Township Aged about 72 Years.
MarriageCatharina BARRINView this family
Birth of a daughter
Anna Catharina SNELL
May 1, 1758
Note: Anna Catharina, Daughter of Henry Snell Senr & Catharina, his Wife, deceased; born in May 1758. Suret: Adam Snell, Juliana, Wife of Henry Snell Junr. & Anna Catharina Barrin.
Death of a wifeCatharina BARRIN
May 3, 1758
Note: On Wednesday May 3rd died in Child Bed, and on Friday May 5th was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Catharina Wife of Henry Snell, Senior Aged --- years
Death of a sonElias SNELL
April 11, 1759
Note: On Wednesday April 11th died after Some Days Illness, and on Thursday April 12th was interred in the Church yard of Orangeburgh the Body of Elias Snell, a Native of Germany, but residing in So. Carolina Since the Year 1735. Aged almost 40 years (Book of Records, Orangeburgh)
Note: Henry was an early, original landowner in Orangeburgh. Deed of Henry Snell, 1737

Death February 25, 1763
Note: Will of Henry Snell Sr.
Inventory From South Carolina Records
Inventory From South Carolina Records

Note: From Fold3 web site, May 6, 1763, no place of record given.

Family with Barbara - View this family
3 years
4 years
4 years
2 years
Family with Catharina BARRIN - View this family
Marriage: 1757Orangeburg, South Carolina
16 months


Two ships of immigrants from Switzerland and Germany arrived in SC in July 1735. The first ship, SAMUEL, captained by Hugh Percy arrived in Charleston harbor with 250 Swiss. The second, St ANDREW, carried 200 German Palatines and arrived in Charleston a week later. Henry Snell and his family were likely passengers on the second ship since death records in Orangeburgh decades later state that Henry's son Elias was born in Germany. Henry Snell was one of the original land owners whose plats were surveyed in 1735. Elias, his son, married after his arrival and had his property surveyed in 1740.


Henry was an early, original landowner in Orangeburgh. Deed of Henry Snell, 1737 \" . . . laid out unto Henry Snell, a tract of lands in the limits of the township of Orangeburgh on the NE side of Pow Pow River in Berkley County containing three hundred and fifty acres butting & bounding to the NE & SE on land not yet laid out, to the SW on land belonging to Henry Horger, & to the Northwest on land laid out to Bartholomew Gortman & hath such shape form and marks as appears by the above plat. Certified the 13th day of October 1737. Certified by G. Hunter, 8 Nov 1743. George Haig, Surveyor.\" Plat shows Bull Swamp running through land, and land being bordered by pine and hickory. Henry Snell also received Town Lot #50. (Town lot was on the western corner of Wragg & Fenwicke Streets, adjacent to the town lots of Henry Foust and Jacob Kummerton -- per Julian D. Kelly.)


Will of Henry Snell Sr.

In the name of God Amen, I Henry Snell Senr. Planter of the province of South Carolina near Orangeburg Township being in good health both of body & mind but calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing it is appointed for all once to die Do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament that is to say Principally & first of all I give & recommend my soul to God who gave it, hoping thre' the merits Death & passion of my Saviour to have full pardon for all my signs and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named. Item I give to Catherine Snell my well beloved Daughter all my stock of Neat Cattle branded as HS thus and to her heirs lawfully begotten of her body but in case my said Daughter Catherine Dyes before she comes to the age of eighteen or Without heirs lawfully begotten of her body then all the stock of Neat Cattle above mentioned shall fall to my son Adams Children to be equally divided amongst them. Item I further give my said daughter Catherine one bay mare with a bald face branded as the above said Cattle & with my old brand and all her mothers wearing apparel & twenty pounds South Carolina Currency and one negro wench moll; but in case of death as above mentioned then the said mare & wearing apparel & Negro wench named Moll shall be equally divided amongst my Son Adams children as above mentioned. Item I give to my son Adam my best horse & saddle & bridle all the rest of my worldly effects Quick & Deed within Doors or without I leave to be equally divided amongst my four sons names Elias Barnett Henry & Adam which my said son Adam with Peter Mower I Constitute and appoint my whole & sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament and I do hereby utterly revoke & disannul all other former Wills & Bequests ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament as Witness my hand & Seal this fifth day of August Anno Domini one thousand Seven hundred & Sixty. Henry Snell, X, his mark. Signed Sealed Published & pronounced by the Said Henry Snell Senior as his Last Will and Testament in presence of Peter Faure, Bernard Hartzog, Mary Hartzog (her mark). Proved before his Excellency the Governor in the Court of Ordinary Feby. 25 1763. At the same time qualified Adam Snell as Executor. Source of submission: So. Carolina Archives

PropertyOriginal Land Granted to Henry SnellOriginal Land Granted to Henry Snell
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PropertyOrangeburgh SC Town Lots in 1740Orangeburgh SC Town Lots in 1740
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DeathInventory From South Carolina RecordsInventory From South Carolina Records
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Note: From Fold3 web site, May 6, 1763, no place of record given.