Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Harriett COOK1831

Harriett COOK
Given names
Birth December 24, 1831 31 24
Birth of a brotherJoseph COOK
March 4, 1834 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherHenry COOK Jr
1844 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah COOK
1848 (Age 16 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas SCOTT
January 7, 1854 (Age 22 years) Age: 71
Death of a motherSarah SCOTT
July 1888 (Age 56 years)
Death of a fatherHenry COOK
May 25, 1891 (Age 59 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam James COOK
July 2, 1908 (Age 76 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 12, 1825Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
3 years
elder brother
William James COOK
Birth: October 16, 1828 27 21Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England
Death: July 2, 1908Pottawattamie, Iowa
3 years
2 years
younger brother
11 years
younger brother
5 years
younger sister


Harriot Cook GENDER: Female BIRTH DATE: 24 Dec 1831 CHRISTENING DATE: 22 Jan 1832 CHRISTENING PLACE: Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England AGE AT CHRISTENING: 0 FATHER'S NAME: Henry Cook MOTHER'S NAME: Sarah