Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John BOOTHAge: 61 years18271889

Given names
Birth December 15, 1827 33 32

Birth of a sisterAgnes BOOTH
1831 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherAlexander BOOTH
1833 (Age 5 years)

Birth of a brotherGeorge BOOTH
1835 (Age 7 years)

Death of a motherAgnes ANDERSON
November 17, 1863 (Age 35 years) Age: 69
Note: From Scotland Death Certificate, Agnes Anderson wife of William Booth, died at home in Silverstone. Parents were listed as Arthur Anderson and Elizabeth Wright (no address)
Census April 2, 1871 (Age 43 years)
Note: Name John Booth
Death of a fatherWilliam BOOTH
August 29, 1879 (Age 51 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam BOOTH Jr
October 9, 1879 (Age 51 years)
Note: William Booth Jr died the same year as his father in Tullynessle.
Death November 28, 1889 (Age 61 years) Age: 61
Note: Parents: William Booth & Agness ANDERSON Booth, both deceased. Widower of Margaret McCleod
Family with parents - View this family
William BOOTH
Birth: July 4, 1794 46 31Drumgowan, Leslie, Aerdeen
Death: August 29, 1879Silver Stone, Tullynessle & Forbes Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Birth: March 5, 1795Kinnethmont, Aberdeenshire
Death: November 17, 1863Silver Stone, Tullynessle & Forbes Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Marriage: December 10, 1820Leslie Parish Aberdeen
7 years
Birth: December 15, 1827 33 32
Death: November 28, 1889Silverstone, Tullynessle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
-11 months
elder brother
6 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother


Name John Booth Age 43 Estimated Birth Year abt 1828 Relationship Son Father's Name William Booth Gender Male Where born Leslie, Aberdeenshire Registration Number 246 Registration district Tullynessle and Forbes Civil parish Tullynessle and Forbes County Aberdeenshire Address Newtown Silverstone Occupation Farmer's Son ED 4 Household schedule number 6 Line 15 Roll CSSCT1871_44

William Booth 76 Head John Booth 43 Son Agnes Booth 40 Daughter Ann Booth 10 Granddaughter


Parents: William Booth & Agness ANDERSON Booth, both deceased. Widower of Margaret McCleod

DeathDeath Record of John BoothDeath Record of John Booth
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