Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jose Teodoro FIERROAge: 79 years18211901

Jose Teodoro FIERRO
Given names
Jose Teodoro
Also known as
Jose Teodoro Del Refugio Fierro Dominges
Also known as
Teodoro Fierro
Baptism November 11, 1821
Note: Jose Teodoro Del Refugio Fierro Dominges in Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950
Baptism of a sisterMaria Teodora FIERRO
November 16, 1823 (Age 2 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950
Maria Teodora Fierro Baptism in 1823 Names Her Grandparents
Maria Teodora Fierro Baptism in 1823 Names Her Grandparents

Note: Paternal Grandparents are Nicholas Fierro and Petra Ronquillo

Burial of a paternal grandmotherFrancisca Petra Geronima RONQUILLO
January 20, 1826 (Age 4 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Ma. Petra Ronquillo
Baptism of a sisterMaria Balbina Vicenta FIERRO
April 5, 1826 (Age 4 years)
Note: Ma. Balbina Vicenta Fierro Domingues in Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950
Burial of a paternal grandfatherJose Nicolas FIERRO
April 18, 1828 (Age 6 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 Don Nicolas Fierro
Baptism of a brotherJose Julio Ynes FIERRO
April 20, 1828 (Age 6 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For José Julio Ines
Baptism of a brotherJose Luis Bernardo FIERRO
August 23, 1835 (Age 13 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 Flor José Luiz Bernardo
Religious marriageMarta ESPINOSAView this family
March 6, 1848 (Age 26 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989
Burial of a fatherJoseph Máximo FIERRO
September 29, 1853 (Age 31 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 Maximo Fierro
Birth of a daughter
about 1857 (Age 35 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 For Felipe Fierro
Birth of a son
about 1859 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Remedios FIERRO
September 1, 1862 (Age 40 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1861-1947 for Remedios Fierro
Death of a wifeMarta ESPINOSA
about 1867 (Age 45 years)
Note: Marta's husband Teodoro Fierro married Paula Mercado on 15 March 1868.
MarriagePaula MERCADOView this family
February 26, 1868 (Age 46 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 For Teodoro Fierro
Marriage of a childRemedios FIERROMaria Asuncion GUILLENView this family
August 29, 1885 (Age 63 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967
Death March 13, 1901 (Age 79 years)
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 13, 1820San Francisco De Conchos, Chihuahua, Mexico
1 year
2 years
younger sister
younger sister
9 years
younger brother
-7 years
younger brother
Jose Julio Ynes FIERRO
Baptism: April 20, 1828 41San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: December 30, 1914Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Family with Marta ESPINOSA - View this family
Marriage: March 6, 1848San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
15 years
-3 years
Birth: about 1859 37Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: April 29, 1939Jiménez, Chihuahua, Mexico
-1 years
Family with Paula MERCADO - View this family
Marriage: February 26, 1868Atotonilco, Chihuahua, Mexico


Jose Teodoro Del Refugio Fierro Dominges in Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 Name: Jose Teodoro Del Refugio Fierro Dominges Gender: Male Christening Date: 11 Nov 1821 Christening Place: SAN BARTOLOME,VALLE DE ALLENDE,CHIHUAHUA,MEXICO Father's Name: Macimo Fierro Mother's Name: Tiofila Dominges


Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 Name: Marta Espinosa Gender: Female Marriage Date: 6 mar. 1848 Marriage Place: San Bartolome,Valle De Allende,Chihuahua,Mexico Spouse: Teodoro Fierro FHL Film Number: 162652

Parents of Teodoro: Maximo Fierro and Teofila Dominguez Parents of Marts: Victor Espinosa and Concepcion Najara


These names come from birth record of granddaughter Maria in 1891.


Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 For Teodoro Fierro Age: 45 Birth Date: abt 1823 Registration or Marriage Date: 26 feb. 1868 Registration or Marriage Place: Atotonilco, Chihuahua, México (Mexico) Father: Macsimo Fierro Mother: Teofila Dominguez Spouse: Paula Mercado Page Number: 36


Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 Name: Teodoro Fierro) Age: 80 Birth Year: abt 1821 Death Registration Date: 13 mar. 1901 Death Registration Place: Jiménez, Chihuahua, México (Mexico) Spouse: Marta Espinosa Father: Máximo Fierro Mother: Teofila Dominguez Page Number: 33

Age agrees with baptism record.

BaptismBaptism of Jose Teodoro Fierro in 1821, Valle de AllendeBaptism of Jose Teodoro Fierro in 1821, Valle de Allende
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MarriageMarriage Record of Teodoro Fierro and Marta Espinosa, 1848Marriage Record of Teodoro Fierro and Marta Espinosa, 1848
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Image dimensions: 1,362 × 975 pixels
File size: 121 KB
Type: Document