Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Sabino VIGIL1861

Sabino VIGIL
Given names
Also known as
Manuel Sabino Vigil
Baptism February 23, 1861
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Manuel Sabino Vigil
MarriageMaria Andrea Abelina DURANView this family
September 12, 1881 (Age 20 years)
Note: New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Manuel Sabino Vigil
Death of a brotherJose Candido de Jesus VIGIL
August 12, 1914 (Age 53 years)
Note: From his tombstone.
Burial of a brotherJose Candido de Jesus VIGIL
1914 (Age 52 years)
Address: Abiquiu, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, USA
Family with parents - View this family
-6 years
elder sister
Barbara VIGIL
Baptism: January 7, 1855 33 24Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
4 years
elder brother
-5 years
elder brother
Jose Crecencio VIGIL
Baptism: December 18, 1852 30 21Santo Tomás Apóstol, Abiquiu, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
-1 years
elder brother
Family with Maria Andrea Abelina DURAN - View this family
Marriage: September 12, 1881San Juan Nepomuceno, El Rito, Rio Arriba, New Mexico


New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Manuel Sabino Vigil Gender: Male Christening Date: 23 Feb 1861 Christening Place: NUESTRA SENORA DE LOS DOLORES,ARROYO HONDO,TAOS,NEW MEXICO Father's Name: Julio Vigil Mother's Name: Juliana Martinez


New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Manuel Sabino Vigil Spouse's Name: Maria Andrea Abelina Duran Event Date: 12 Sep 1881 Event Place: San Juan Nepomuceno,El Rito,Rio Arriba,New Mexico Father's Name: Julio Vigil Mother's Name: Maria Juliana Martinez Spouse's Father's Name: Manuel Duran Spouse's Mother's Name: Maria Manuela Mestas