Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Jose Jesus GALVAN VIERA1893

Given names
Jose Jesus
Note: This is likely the same person known as Jesus Rodriguez Viera but no proof has been found. Documents verify that the two people had the same mother, maternal grandparents, birth location, approximate same birth year. We know that Francisco Galvan had died in the 1890s so it is certainly possible Petra had a child with Cecilio Rodriguez after Francisco's death but she registered the father as Francisco, not Cecilio.
Birth December 10, 1893 34
Note: Birth was register some 6 years after the birth. Details are likely to have errors.
Death of a maternal grandmotherMaria Nicanora VIERA
August 24, 1906 (Age 12 years)
Note: San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1860-1987
Death of a motherPetra VIERA
March 4, 1954 (Age 60 years)
Death of a half-brotherJesus RODRIGUEZ VIERA
January 25, 1981 (Age 87 years)
Jesus Rodriguez Viera Death Record Verified Parents and Birth
Jesus Rodriguez Viera Death Record Verified Parents and Birth

Note: Named Parents: Cecilio Rodriguez and Petra Viera.

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 9, 1882Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
9 months
elder sister
9 years
elder brother
-2 years
elder sister
5 years
-6 years
elder brother
-3 years
elder brother
Mother’s family with Cecilio RODRIGUEZ - View this family
Mother’s family with Refugio GONZALEZ - View this family
Marriage: November 26, 1875Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
2 years


Birth was register some 6 years after the birth. Details are likely to have errors.

San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Civil Registration Births, 1860-1948 For José Jesus Galvan Gender: Hombre (Male) Birth Date: 10 dic. 1893 (10 Dec 1893) Birth Registration Place: Guadalcázar, San Luis Potosi, México (Mexico) Registration Date: 4 abr. 1899 (4 Apr 1899) Father: Francísco Galvan Mother: Maria Petra Viera Page number: 113


This is likely the same person known as Jesus Rodriguez Viera but no proof has been found. Documents verify that the two people had the same mother, maternal grandparents, birth location, approximate same birth year. We know that Francisco Galvan had died in the 1890s so it is certainly possible Petra had a child with Cecilio Rodriguez after Francisco's death but she registered the father as Francisco, not Cecilio.

Birth1893 Birth Jose Jesus Viera, Guadalcazar, SL Potosí1893 Birth Jose Jesus Viera, Guadalcazar, SL Potosí
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