Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Juana Justa MARTIN

Juana Justa MARTIN
Given names
Juana Justa
Married name
Juana Justa TRUGILLO
Also known as
Juan Justa Martines
MarriageSilvestre TRUGILLOView this family

Baptism of a daughterMaria Bitoria TRUGILLO
June 16, 1780
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Bitoria Truxillo:
Birth of a son
Pedro Rafael TRUGILLO
February 23, 1782
Baptism of a sonPedro Rafael TRUGILLO
February 27, 1782
Address: Santo Tomas Apostol
Note: From New Mexico Births and Christenings Pedro Rafael Truxillo
Marriage of a childPedro Rafael TRUGILLOMaria Antonia SANCHESView this family
November 24, 1804
Note: New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Pedro Truxillo and Maria Antonia Sanches