Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria Paula LOBATOAge: 50 years17631814

Maria Paula LOBATO
Given names
Maria Paula
Also known as
Paula Lovato
Also known as
Paula Lobato
Birth November 15, 1763 26 16
Baptism December 1, 1763 (Age 16 days)
Note: Maria Paula Christening Date 1 Dec 1763
Birth of a daughter
Maria Antonia SANCHES
January 30, 1786 (Age 22 years)
Note: From baptism record.
Baptism of a daughterMaria Antonia SANCHES
February 5, 1786 (Age 22 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christening For Maria Antonia Sanches
CensusMiguel SANCHESView this family
1790 (Age 26 years) Age: 32
Note: UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile
Birth of a daughter
Maria Gertrudis SANCHES
May 26, 1791 (Age 27 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria Guertrudis Phelipa Sanchez
Baptism of a daughterMaria Gertrudis SANCHES
May 29, 1791 (Age 27 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Maria Guertrudis Phelipa Sanchez
Baptism of a sonJose Estevan SANCHES
January 3, 1794 (Age 30 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings For Jose Estevan Sanchez
Death of a husbandMiguel SANCHES
before 1804 (Age 40 years)

Note: Marriage record of 1804 of daughter Maria Antonia states Miguel Sanchez was deceased.
Marriage of a childPedro Rafael TRUGILLOMaria Antonia SANCHESView this family
November 24, 1804 (Age 41 years)
Note: New Mexico Marriages, 1751-1918 For Pedro Truxillo and Maria Antonia Sanches
Marriage of a childMaria Luis TRUJILLOMaria Gertrudis SANCHESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
July 20, 1807 (Age 43 years)
Note: Marriage record states Miguel Sanchez was deceased.
Marriage of a childMarcos ARCHULETAMaria Dolores SANCHESView this family
February 5, 1809 (Age 45 years)
Burial March 6, 1814 (Age 50 years)
Note: Our Lady of Guadalupe burial records
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 23, 1758Picuris, New Mexico
6 years
Family with Miguel SANCHES - View this family
-5 years
8 years


Maria Paula Christening Date 1 Dec 1763 Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States Christening Place (Original) Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico Birth Date 15 Nov 1763


UAir Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile SANCHES, MIGUEL BID Number 12666 Birth 1758: N.P. Occupation 1790: TAOS/FARMER (LABRADOR) Ethnicity CRIOLLO Marriage N.D.: N.P./LOVATO, MARIA PAULA Notes SPOUSE AGE 22 Source PRIMARY SOURCE SANM NO. 23, FR. 259 Family (unnnamed) TWO DAUGHTERS (5 AND 2)


Our Lady of Guadalupe burial records

BaptismPaula Lobato Baptism, Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New MexicoPaula Lobato Baptism, Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico
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Image dimensions: 1,594 × 524 pixels
File size: 128 KB
Type: Document
BurialBurial Record of Paula Lobato, 1814, 50 Years OldBurial Record of Paula Lobato, 1814, 50 Years Old
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Image dimensions: 2,098 × 364 pixels
File size: 703 KB
Type: Document