Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John GRIFFINAge: 74 years18511925

Given names
Birth 1851 38

Note: According to death record.
Birth of a brotherThomas GRIFFIN
Note: Thomas Griffin, age 51, lived in Tinahely with his sister.
Birth of a sisterMary Anne GRIFFIN
1855 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherPeter GRIFFIN
October 16, 1856 (Age 5 years)
Note: Baptism 25 Jan 1857, Kilcommon Parish, Wicklow Ire. Mother was named Catherine.
Birth of a sisterSusan GRIFFIN
1861 (Age 10 years)
Note: From 1901 census.
Death of a motherCatherine HENNESY
April 24, 1887 (Age 36 years) Age: 65
Note: Record states Catherine had been ill for a year. Her son John was witness at her death in Knocknaboley.
Death of a fatherPeter GRIFFIN
August 4, 1890 (Age 39 years)
Cause: Senility at age 78.
Note: Peter's burial record was recorded in the Church of Ireland records for Hacketstown and in the Civil Records of Ireland.

1892 (Age 41 years)
Note: John Griffin probably lived with his parents on the Griffin farm; he was present at the death of both his parents. On the lease records in the Valuation Office, he was the leaseholder from 1892-1911 on the Griffin Farm (Lot 13 on Knocknaboley.)
Census 1901 (Age 50 years)
Death of a wifeSarah Jane HANNON
August 28, 1904 (Age 53 years)
Census 1911 (Age 60 years)
Note: John and Peter Griffin, elderly brothers, were living together in Knocknaboley, along with a relative John Griffin, age 13.
Death of a sisterMary Anne GRIFFIN
October 13, 1920 (Age 69 years) Age: 70
Note: Death Record for Mary Anne Needham in Index
Death September 29, 1925 (Age 74 years) Age: 71
Note: According to Burial Records for Hacketstown in the Representative Church Library (Anglican Records), John Griffin died in the Needham home in Tinahely, age 71. John's sister was Mary Anne Griffin Needham of Tinahely.
Family with parents - View this family
twin brother
11 years
younger sister
Birth: 1861 48Co Wicklow, Ireland
Death: December 28, 1929Ballyshonoge, Tinahely, Wicklow, Ireland
-9 years
5 years
younger sister
21 months
younger brother
Family with Sarah Jane HANNON - View this family


According to death record.


John Griffin probably lived with his parents on the Griffin farm; he was present at the death of both his parents. On the lease records in the Valuation Office, he was the leaseholder from 1892-1911 on the Griffin Farm (Lot 13 on Knocknaboley.)


John and Peter Griffin, elderly brothers, were living together in Knocknaboley, along with a relative John Griffin, age 13.


According to Burial Records for Hacketstown in the Representative Church Library (Anglican Records), John Griffin died in the Needham home in Tinahely, age 71. John's sister was Mary Anne Griffin Needham of Tinahely.


Present at death of his father Peter in 1890.

CensusJohn Griffin Living With Peter Griffin Family, 1901 CensusJohn Griffin Living With Peter Griffin Family, 1901 Census
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Census1911 Census for John and Peter Griffin, Knocknaboley1911 Census for John and Peter Griffin, Knocknaboley
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File size: 133 KB
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