Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Francisco del la VEGA MAESTROAge: 74 years17801855

Francisco del la VEGA MAESTRO
Given names
Also known as
Francisco de la Vega
Birth May 3, 1780
Note: 1848 Marriage record of his daughter Marcela states Francisco was native of the Parish of San Vidro …
Birth of a son
Miguel VEGA
about 1802 (Age 21 years)
Death of a fatherAntonio de la VEGA MONTOTO
before 1804 (Age 23 years)

Death of a motherAntonia MAESTRO MEDINA
before 1804 (Age 23 years)

MarriageFrancisca MIRANDA QUIRÓSView this family
December 18, 1804 (Age 24 years)
Note: Archivo: Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Oviedo
Birth of a son
José de la VEGA
about 1806 (Age 25 years)
Note: According to his death record.
Birth of a son
Julian del la VEGA
about 1810 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marcela de la VEGA MIRANDA
January 16, 1826 (Age 45 years)
Note: Her baptism record gives her birth date. Her marriage record in 1848 stated she was 22 years old. Two of her children's baptism records states that she was native to Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias. In 1881 her son Andres' marriage record stated she was 50 years old.
Residence 1826 (Age 45 years)
Baptism of a daughterMarcela de la VEGA MIRANDA
January 16, 1826 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childAndres GARCIA SANPEDRO LLAMEDOMarcela de la VEGA MIRANDAView this family
Type: Religious marriage
March 27, 1848 (Age 67 years)
Note: Marriage record was found in the Diocese Archives in Oviedo.
Death of a wifeFrancisca MIRANDA QUIRÓS
before 1855 (on the date of death)

Note: Dead at the time of her granddaughter Maria del Carmen's birth, 5 Oct 1855.
Death before 1855 (Age 74 years)

Note: Dead at the time of his granddaughter Maria del Carmen's birth, 5 Oct 1855.
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 17, 1776Santa Magdalena de Ribadesella, Asturias
4 years
Family with Francisca MIRANDA QUIRÓS - View this family
Marriage: December 18, 1804Parroquia de Santa María del Concejo de Villaviciosa
-2 years
Miguel VEGA
Birth: about 1802 21Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Burial: September 3, 1880Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain
5 years
José de la VEGA
Birth: about 1806 25Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
Death: February 20, 1864Oviedo, Oviedo, Asturias, España
5 years
16 years


1848 Marriage record of his daughter Marcela states Francisco was native of the Parish of San Vidro el Real in Oviedo, Asturias. But Francisco's marriage record said he was from Lastres.

Possible record of Francisco Vega's baptism:

Record found in the Archives of Oviedo Diocese in Asturias. Box 15.8.3 Baptisms 1723-1806 Santa Maria de Sabada, Lastres, Colunga.

Book searched 1774-1792. This was the only Francisco Vega baptized in Lastres in that era.

December 5, 1780 (Age 2 days) Santa Maria de Sabada, Lastres, Colunga, Asturias

pages 303-304: Francisco Xavier Vega, 5 Dec 1780. A boy, born 3 dec 1780, named Francisco Xavier, son of Antonio de la Vega & Antonia Maertes?, a widow & his second wife, residents of of the named Puente. Antonio was the son of Antonio la Vega & Maricel Montoto?, originally of the parish of Fuentes (Villavicosa), and the stated Antonia ? of Augustin Maester & Francisca Maestro, residents of the Villa of Rivadesella, & natives of the diocese of Burgos. Witnesses: Joaquin de la Fuente & Jacinta Cardosa, vecinos de mismo Puente de Lastres.

(Translated from difficult to read Spanish; originals may not be copied in the archives.)


Archivo: Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Oviedo Fondo: Libros parroquiales / Parroquia de Santa María del Concejo de Villaviciosa Libro: 61.39.14 – Casados 1745-1859 Folio: 148 TRANSCRIPCIÓN LITERAL Francisco de la Vega y Francisca Miranda En diez y ocho de Diciembre de mil ochocientos cuatro, yo el infraescripto Cura Párroco de esta Villa, después de haver corrido las tres canónicas moniciones en esta Yglesia, y en la del Puerto de Lastres, sin que hubiese resultado más impedimento que el haverse dicho vulgarmente que eran parientes, por lo que se recurrió al tribunal, el que declaró, previa información, no haber parentesco alguno, como consta del despacho que se me hizo saber, y está en este Archibo, asistí al matrimonio que celebraron con palabras de presente Francisco de la Vega y Francisca Miranda, natural aquél del Puerto de Lastres, e hijo legítimo de Antonio de la Vega y Antonia Maestra, difuntos, y ella de esta Villa, e hija legítima de Manuel Miranda, difunto, y de María Quirós, vecinos éstos de esta misma. Se confesaron y comulgaron, y fueron examinados en la doctrina cristiana. Obtubo ella el consentimiento de su madre, y él, siendo mayor de veinte y quatro años, con arreglo a la Real Pramática no tubo necesidad de él. Fueron testigos Don Antonio Corrales, Presvítero, Miguel del Castillo, vecino de ésta, y otros más; para que conste lo firmo dicho día y mes y año.


Dead at the time of his granddaughter Maria del Carmen's birth, 5 Oct 1855.


Named in the 1881 marriage record of their grandson Andres Garcia in Mexico.

BirthBaptism Record Report of Francisco Vega, 1780
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Marriage1804 Marriage Record From Archives in Oviedo Spain
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