Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria Potenciana MORILLO1758

Maria Potenciana MORILLO
Given names
Maria Potenciana
Note: Coyote
Baptism May 28, 1758
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 Potenciana Morillo
Baptism of a sisterJosepha Juaquina MORILLO SISNEROS
April 10, 1760 (Age 22 months)
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 Fpr Josepa Juaquina
Baptism of a brotherJoseph Maria de Jesus MORILLO
November 25, 1762 (Age 4 years)
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For Jph Maria de Jesus
MarriageJoseph Gregorio ALVAREZView this family
February 8, 1778 (Age 19 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950 For Joseph Gregorio Alvares
Death of a motherJuana YNES SISNEROS
before 1793 (Age 34 years)

Note: According to marriage record of her son Josef Gregorio in 1793 Juana Ines was deceased.
Death of a sisterMaria Trinidad MORILLO
March 1, 1800 (Age 41 years)
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For MA Trinidad Morillo - Mestiza
Burial of a fatherBartolome MORILLO
August 23, 1809 (Age 51 years)
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 For Bartolo Marillo
Death of a sisterAntonia Maxima MORILLO
July 25, 1814 (Age 56 years)
Note: Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1980 For Maxima Morillo
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
22 months
Antonia Maxima MORILLO
Birth: Hacienda. De San Nicolas Obispo, near Nombre de Dios, Durango, Mexico
Death: July 25, 1814San Pedro Apostol, Nombre De Dios, Durango, Mexico
younger sister
younger brother
Family with Joseph Gregorio ALVAREZ - View this family
Marriage: February 8, 1778San Pedro Apostol, Nombre De Dios, Durango, Mexico


Durango, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 Potenciana Morillo

Gender: Mujer (Female) Record Type: bautismo (Baptism) Baptism Date: 28 may. 1758 Baptism Place: San Pedro Apóstol, Nombre de Dios, Durango, Mexico Father: Bartholeme Morillo Mother: María Ignes Page Number: 141


Mexico Marriages, 1570-1950 For Joseph Gregorio Alvares Spouse's Name: Maria Potenciana Morillo Event Date: 08 Feb 1778 San Pedro Apóstol, Nombre De Dios, Durango, Mexico Father's Name: Luiz Alvares Mother's Name: Maria Jacinta Perez Spouse's Father's Name: Bartolomee Morillo Spouse's Mother's Name: Maria Ygnes Sisernos

