Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGAAge: 22 days1862–1862
- Name
- Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA
- Given names
- Maria Concepcion
- Surname
Note: She died as a child and there was a second child named Maria Concepcion born in 1868.
![]() | October 13, 1862 38 36 |
![]() | November 4, 1862 (Age 22 days) Note: Burial record found in Oviedo Diocesis Archies, 61.39.18-19
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Marriage: March 27, 1848 — Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain |
3 years elder brother |
Andres GARCIA de VEGA Birth: about 1850 25 23 — Asturias, España |
15 months elder sister |
Basilisa GARCIA VEGA Birth: April 14, 1851 26 25 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain |
15 months elder brother |
Ladislao Francisco GARCIA VEGA Birth: July 22, 1852 27 26 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain |
4 years elder brother |
Birth: March 26, 1856 31 30 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain Death: before 1923 |
4 years elder brother |
Jose Ramon GARCIA VEGA Birth: December 19, 1859 35 33 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain |
2 years elder sister |
Benigna GARCIA Birth: 1861 36 34 — Asturias, España |
7 months elder brother |
Victor Manuel GARCIA Birth: July 23, 1861 36 35 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain |
15 months herself |
Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA Birth: October 13, 1862 38 36 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain Burial: November 4, 1862 — Santa Maria de Villaviciosa, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain |
14 months younger brother |
Juan GARCIA VEGA Birth: December 27, 1863 39 37 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain |
22 months younger brother |
Enrique Eloy GARCIA Birth: October 29, 1865 41 39 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain |
4 years younger sister |
Maria Concepcion GARCIA VEGA Birth: December 14, 1869 45 43 — Villaviciosa, Oviedo Diocese, Asturias, Spain |
Name | She died as a child and there was a second child named Maria Concepcion born in 1868. |
Burial | Burial record found in Oviedo Diocesis Archies, 61.39.18-19 |