Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Miguel Feliz de ALMASANAge: 66 years17011768

Miguel Feliz de ALMASAN
Given names
Miguel Feliz
Also known as
Miguel Geronimo de Almasan
Baptism October 2, 1701
Note: This is probable baptism and is supported by the fact that both Miguel and Feliz de Almasan served i…
MarriageJuana Luisa de RIVASView this family

Baptism of a brotherJoseph Augustine ALMASAN NUNES
September 13, 1703 (Age 23 months)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Joseph Agustin Almazan Nunez
Baptism of a sisterMargarita ALMASAN NUNES
October 5, 1704 (Age 3 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Margarita Almazan Nunoz
Military March 1723 (Age 21 years)
Note: Miguel Almasan was a soldier in the Spanish Cavalry in the Presidio system of Nueva Vizcaya.
Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723
Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723

Note: Felix de Almasan and his son Miguel de Almasan both appear in a muster of cavalry soldiers in the vi…

Another 1723 Muster of Presidio San Francisco de Conchos Lists Felix & Miguel Almasan
Another 1723 Muster of Presidio San Francisco de Conchos Lists Felix & Miguel Almasan

Note: Fondos de Parral, AHMP.FC.C10.002.040, Milicia y Guerra, Padrones de milicia, Ciudad de Durango, 02/…

Spanish Army (Cavalry)
1730 (Age 28 years)
Note: In 1730 an inspection of the troops in the presidios was conducted. Soldiers were interrogated and salaries were adjusted. Miguel de Almasan was still with the troops in the presidio at Conchos but his father Felix's name did not appear.

Baptism of a daughterMaria Francisca Rita de ALMAZAN RIVAS
October 16, 1732 (Age 31 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Maria Franca. Rita Almazan Rivas
Marriage of a childRufino de ALMASANYsabel de CHAVESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 11, 1743 (Age 42 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Rufino De Almazan
Death before 1768 (Age 66 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 23, 1697Valle de San Bartolomé, Chihuahua, Mexico
9 months
elder sister
23 months
elder brother
Baptism: February 28, 1700 22San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
19 months
23 months
younger brother
13 months
younger sister
Family with Juana Luisa de RIVAS - View this family


This is probable baptism and is supported by the fact that both Miguel and Feliz de Almasan served in the same unit of Presidio Troops.

Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Miguel Almazan Nunes Gender: Male Baptism Date: 2 Oct. 1701 Baptism Place: San Bartolome,Valle DE Allende,Chihuahua,Mexico Father: Felix De Almazan Mother: Yga. Nunes FHL Film Number: 162634


Miguel Almasan was a soldier in the Spanish Cavalry in the Presidio system of Nueva Vizcaya.

Miguel and Felix both appeared in two lists of soldiers in 1723 in one file in the Fondos de Parral.

"Miguel de Almasan, all offensive and defensive arms, six horses."


In 1730 an inspection of the troops in the presidios was conducted. Soldiers were interrogated and salaries were adjusted. Miguel de Almasan was still with the troops in the presidio at Conchos but his father Felix's name did not appear.

BaptismMiguel Almasan Baptism in 1701, ChihuahuaMiguel Almasan Baptism in 1701, Chihuahua
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File size: 124 KB
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MilitaryFelix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723Felix and Miguel Almasan, Soldiers in Presidio de Conchos, 1723
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Image dimensions: 738 × 1,062 pixels
File size: 256 KB
Type: Document
Note: Felix de Almasan and his son Miguel de Almasan both appear in a muster of cavalry soldiers in the vi…
MilitaryA Second List of Cavalry Shows Miguel and Felix Serving Together, 1723A Second List of Cavalry Shows Miguel and Felix Serving Together, 1723
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Image dimensions: 743 × 1,074 pixels
File size: 242 KB
Type: Document
MilitaryAnother 1723 Muster of Presidio San Francisco de Conchos Lists Felix & Miguel AlmasanAnother 1723 Muster of Presidio San Francisco de Conchos Lists Felix & Miguel Almasan
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Image dimensions: 2,000 × 1,335 pixels
File size: 561 KB
Type: Document
Note: Fondos de Parral, AHMP.FC.C10.002.040, Milicia y Guerra, Padrones de milicia, Ciudad de Durango, 02/…
MilitaryMiguel de Almasan Was Still in Army in 1730Miguel de Almasan Was Still in Army in 1730
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Image dimensions: 736 × 1,075 pixels
File size: 153 KB
Type: Document
MilitaryPartial List of All Soldiers in Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos, 1730Partial List of All Soldiers in Presidio de San Francisco de Conchos, 1730
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File size: 251 KB
Type: Document