Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria de MEDRANO

Maria de MEDRANO
Given names
Birth of a son
about 1730
Note: Birth year estimated. Place is found in his marriage record of 1764.
Birth of a son
Francisco GUILLEN
about 1740
Note: A guess. Based on birth date of his brother Manuel and on his marriage date.
Marriage of a childManuel GUILLENAna MENDEZView this family
July 7, 1764
Note: The marriage entry states that Manuel and Cayetano Guillen were natives of Pasaje - the Presidio de Nuestra Señora del Pasaje, where Cayetano's name appears in muster records of 1723.
Death of a husbandCayetano GUILLEN

Note: According to marriage record of his son Manuel in 1764, Calletano was deceased.
Marriage of a childFrancisco GUILLENMaria Leandra ALMASANView this family
December 20, 1770
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Maria De Almazan
Death of a sonFrancisco GUILLEN
about 1777
Note: In marriage records of San Bartolome,Valle De Allende,Chihuahua,Mexico, Nov 5, 1777 the widow of Fra…

Españoles, according to marriage record of their son Francisco in 1770.