Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Francisca Teresa MANRIQUEZAge: 63 years17081771

Francisca Teresa MANRIQUEZ
Given names
Francisca Teresa
Also known as
Francisca Enrriquez
Birth about 1708
Note: It is likely that Francisca Manrriquez was a younger sister of Magdalena Manrriquez (Enrriquez) who was from Cushihuiriachi Chihuahua area. Magdalena Manrriquez was found in several records associated with the de Chavez family including the 1788 census where she was in the household of Francisca's son Prudencio de Chavez.
Birth of a daughter
Maria Mattiana de CHAVES

Baptism of a daughterCatarina Rita de CHAVES
May 15, 1726 (Age 18 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Catarina Rita Chaves Enriques
Baptism of a sonPrudencio Francisco de CHAVES
December 4, 1727 (Age 19 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 for Prudencio Franco. Dominguez Navarrete (incorrect)
Baptism of a sonJuan Nepomucano de CHAVES
June 11, 1730 (Age 22 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Juan Nepomuceno Fernando Domingues Manrrigues
Baptism of a sonJoseph Felix de CHAVES
June 11, 1730 (Age 22 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Joseph Felis Domingues Manrrigues
Baptism of a sonAntonio Florentino de CHAVES
October 22, 1732 (Age 24 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Antonio Florentino Chaves Manriques
Baptism of a daughterMaria Mattiana de CHAVES
March 12, 1735 (Age 27 years)
Note: Mexico Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Maria Mathiana Chaves Enriques
Marriage of a childRufino de ALMASANYsabel de CHAVESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 11, 1743 (Age 35 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Rufino De Almazan
Marriage of a childJoaquin VILLEGASMaria Mattiana de CHAVESView this family
July 3, 1753 (Age 45 years)
Note: Mexico Marriages For Joachin Villegas
Marriage of a childFranco OROSCOMaria Justa de CHAVESView this family
April 3, 1758 (Age 50 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Marriages Index, 1556-1989 For Maria De Chaves
Death of a husbandFrancisco Xavier de CHAVES
1764 (Age 56 years)
Note: The following record indicates Francisco died in 1762 but other documents in Parral having his signa…

Residence March 7, 1768 (Age 60 years)
Note: This is probable entry for Francisco's widow Francisca Manrriquez. Living with her was Juana Rivas…
Hacienda de San Cristóbal
July 8, 1769 (Age 61 years)
Note: AHMPFCE08001003 Notarías y protocolos Compraventa de propiedades Real de San José del Parral 08/07/1769 Testimonio de la escritura de venta de la Hacienda de San Cristóbal otorgada por Francisca Teresa Manríquez, a favor de Francisco Prudencio de Chávez, su hijo.

Archive Entry
1769 (Age 61 years)

Note: 6510 638 Expediente sobre si han de Ynbentariar o no la hacienda de San Christobal y sus anexas propiedad de Dona Franca Thereza Manriquez. 5 ff. 1769. R-201 Año 1769
Death May 23, 1771 (Age 63 years)
Family with Francisco Xavier de CHAVES - View this family
19 months
3 years
2 years
Maria Mattiana de CHAVES
Birth: San Bartolome, Valle De Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico
Death: December 15, 1776Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico


It is likely that Francisca Manrriquez was a younger sister of Magdalena Manrriquez (Enrriquez) who was from Cushihuiriachi Chihuahua area. Magdalena Manrriquez was found in several records associated with the de Chavez family including the 1788 census where she was in the household of Francisca's son Prudencio de Chavez.


This is probable entry for Francisco's widow Francisca Manrriquez. Living with her was Juana Rivas, probably the mother of Rufino de Almasan; e.g two mothers-in-law living adjacent. (page 19)

Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest For MANRRIQUEZ, FRANCISCA BID Number 2331 Birth 1708: N.P. Occupation 1768 Mar 07: PARRAL, CERRO DE LOS TARAHUMARES/DONA Ethnicity CRIOLLA Marriage N.D.: N.P./WIDOW AZU, FILM 318, PARRAL 1768, 4-80

Family (unnnamed) ONE SON OVER 16

AHMPFCA19001009 Gobierno y administración Padrones de población Real de San José del Parral 07/03/1768 Padrón formado de los vecinos del Real de San José del Parral y su jurisdicción.


AHMPFCE08001003 Notarías y protocolos Compraventa de propiedades Real de San José del Parral 08/07/1769 Testimonio de la escritura de venta de la Hacienda de San Cristóbal otorgada por Francisca Teresa Manríquez, a favor de Francisco Prudencio de Chávez, su hijo.


6510 638 Expediente sobre si han de Ynbentariar o no la hacienda de San Christobal y sus anexas propiedad de Dona Franca Thereza Manriquez. 5 ff. 1769. R-201 Año 1769

BirthDon Prudencio Chaves on 1788 Census - With Him was Magdalena Manrriques , Widow, Age 90Don Prudencio Chaves on 1788 Census - With Him was Magdalena Manrriques , Widow, Age 90
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Image dimensions: 1,047 × 575 pixels
File size: 172 KB
Type: Document
ResidenceEntry for Doña Francisca Manrriquez and Juana Rivas in Census of Parral HaciendasEntry for Doña Francisca Manrriquez and Juana Rivas in Census of Parral Haciendas
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Image dimensions: 1,937 × 380 pixels
File size: 124 KB
Type: Document
PropertyFrancisca Manriquez Grants Hacienda to Her son Francisco Prudencio de ChavezFrancisca Manriquez Grants Hacienda to Her son Francisco Prudencio de Chavez
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Image dimensions: 815 × 839 pixels
File size: 174 KB
Type: Document
PropertyPage 2, Francisca Manriquez Grants Hacienda to Her son Francisco Prudencio de ChavezPage 2, Francisca Manriquez Grants Hacienda to Her son Francisco Prudencio de Chavez
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Image dimensions: 878 × 1,285 pixels
File size: 269 KB
Type: Document
DeathBurial Record for Francisca Manrriquez, 1771, Hidalgo de ParralBurial Record for Francisca Manrriquez, 1771, Hidalgo de Parral
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Image dimensions: 2,192 × 1,066 pixels
File size: 1,416 KB
Type: Document
Media objectCensus of Hacienda de San Cristobal in 1768, After Francisco Had DiedCensus of Hacienda de San Cristobal in 1768, After Francisco Had Died
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,786 × 1,279 pixels
File size: 529 KB
Type: Document
Note: Fondas de Parral: Census of Haciendas in Parral District