Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Antonio Toribio GURULÉAge: 68 years17551823

Antonio Toribio GURULÉ
Given names
Antonio Toribio
Baptism April 6, 1755
Death of a paternal grandfatherAntonio GURULÉ
April 18, 1761 (Age 6 years)

MarriageMaria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUINView this family
November 2, 1777 (Age 22 years)
Baptism of a daughterJuan Maria Candelaria GURULÉ
February 8, 1779 (Age 23 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Juana Maria Candelaria Gurule
Baptism of a sonJuan Domingo GURULÉ
February 25, 1780 (Age 24 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-191 for Juan Domingo Gurule
Baptism of a daughterMaria de los Dolores GURULÉ
May 20, 1783 (Age 28 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Maria De Los Dolores Gurule
Birth of a son
1786 (Age 30 years)

Note: According to 1790 census, Ramon was 4.
CensusMaria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUINView this family
1790 (Age 34 years) Age: 32
Note: Enumerated in the 1790 census – NM, Bernalillo County, Albuquerque
Marriage of a childDiego GONZALEZMaria de los Dolores GURULÉView this family
Type: Religious marriage
October 10, 1801 (Age 46 years)
Note: 10 Oct 1801 Maria de Los Dolores Gurule (dau of Antonio Toribio Gurule and Maria Gertrudis Olguin) and Diego Gonzales (son of Cristobal Gonzales and Rita Garcia) - married at San Felipe de Jesus Pueblo Mission [Pueblos-4 and Roots-783] from
Death of a fatherJuan Antonio GURULÉ
after 1802 (Age 46 years)
Death of a motherMaria Petrona MONTOYA
after 1802 (Age 46 years)
CensusMaria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUINView this family
1803 (Age 47 years) Age: 18
Note: Enumerated in the 1803­-1807 census at Las Huertas, NM
Death of a wifeMaria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUIN
January 3, 1806 (Age 50 years)
Note: 3 Jan 1806 Maria Gertrudis Olvin, age 46 years, wife of Toribio Gurulé of Las Huertas. --
Death December 23, 1823 (Age 68 years)
Baptism of a sonJuan Bautista GURULÉ
February 1, 1824 (40 days after death)
Note: Angela Lewis found the following record on page 295 of Albuquerque Baptisms:
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 2, 1754Saint Francis of Assisi church, Santa Fe, New Mexico
10 months
Family with Maria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUIN - View this family
Marriage: November 2, 1777San Felipe de Neri Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico
15 months
Juan Maria Candelaria GURULÉ
Baptism: February 8, 1779 23 18San Felipe Catholic. Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico
13 months
3 years
4 years
Family with Rita MIRABAL - View this family


Enumerated in the 1790 census – NM, Bernalillo County, Albuquerque Toribio Gurulé (Mestizo, 1758, age 32, carpenter), Maria Gertrudis Olguin (Mestiza, 1757, age 33), two sons (ages 12 and 4), two daughters (ages 8 and 3)


Enumerated in the 1803­-1807 census at Las Huertas, NM Toribio Gurulé (1754, age 53, widower), Ramon (1789, age 18), Cristiana (1791, age 16), Micaela (1792, age 15)


An Expanded Study on the Gurulé Family Correcting Erroneous Information on the Internet By Angela Lewis from