Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Juan Antonio GURULÉAge: 68 years17331802

Juan Antonio GURULÉ
Given names
Juan Antonio
Baptism June 1, 1733
Religious marriageMaria Petrona MONTOYAView this family
June 2, 1754 (Age 21 years)
Note: Juan Antonio Gurulé was baptized 1 Jun 1733 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and died in Las Huertas, New Mexico. He married Maria Petrona Montoya on 2 Jun 1754 in Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Santa Fe, New Mexico. She died in Las Huertas, New Mexico. - [Angela Lewis,]
Baptism of a sonAntonio Toribio GURULÉ
April 6, 1755 (Age 21 years)
Death of a fatherAntonio GURULÉ
April 18, 1761 (Age 27 years)

1775 (Age 41 years)
Note: [Olmsted's research] In 1775, Juan Antonio Gurulé made a rare appearance on record when he sold som…
Marriage of a childAntonio Toribio GURULÉMaria Gertrudis ARMIJO OLGUINView this family
November 2, 1777 (Age 44 years)
CensusMaria Petrona MONTOYAView this family
1790 (Age 56 years)
Note: Enumerated in the 1790 – NM, Bernalillo County, Albuquerque, Plaza #7
Death of a wifeMaria Petrona MONTOYA
after 1802 (on the date of death)
CensusMaria Petrona MONTOYAView this family
1803 (Age 69 years) Age: 60
Note: Enumerated in the 1803-­1807 census at Las Huertas, New Mexico
Death after 1802 (Age 68 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 27, 1718Bernalillo, New Mexico
15 years
Family with Maria Petrona MONTOYA - View this family
Marriage: June 2, 1754Saint Francis of Assisi church, Santa Fe, New Mexico
10 months


Juan Antonio Gurulé was baptized 1 Jun 1733 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and died in Las Huertas, New Mexico. He married Maria Petrona Montoya on 2 Jun 1754 in Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Santa Fe, New Mexico. She died in Las Huertas, New Mexico. - [Angela Lewis,]


[Olmsted's research] In 1775, Juan Antonio Gurulé made a rare appearance on record when he sold some property to Domingo Romero in the Cieneguilla that had come to Maria Petrona. He is recorded as a carpenter in the 1790 census, living next door to his brother, Serafin. Juan Antonio was the Gurulé heir who retained the original grant documents and the wills of Elena Gallegos and Antonio Gurulé that were displayed before the United States Court of Private Claims to confirm the ownership of the Elena Gallegos Grant. The last record found for Juan Antonio Gurulé and Maria Petrona Montoya is the 1803­ census of Las Huertas. Juan Antonio was enumerated as being 80 and Maria as aged 60. [Angela Lewis]


Enumerated in the 1790 – NM, Bernalillo County, Albuquerque, Plaza #7 Juan Antonio Gurulé (Mestizo, 1737, age 53, carpenter), Maria Montoya (Spanish, 1760, age 30), three sons (ages 12, 8 and 5), one daughter (age 15) [Maria's age is likely an error since her son Toribio was already a grown, married man in 1790 or perhaps Petrona was not Toribio's mother.]]


Enumerated in the 1803-­1807 census at Las Huertas, New Mexico Juan Antonio (1727, age 80), Maria Petra Montoya (1747, age 60)


Named in the 1824 baptism record of their grandson Juan Bauista, son of Toribio.

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