![]() | Santiago GURULÉ — View this family November 9, 1699 |
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![]() | Her History 1699 |
![]() | Antonio GURULÉ April 2, 1703 |
![]() | Antonio GURULÉ — Antonia QUINTANA — View this family Type: Religious marriage July 27, 1718 |
![]() | 1731 |
![]() | Antonio GURULÉ April 18, 1761 |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Family with Santiago GURULÉ |
husband |
Santiago GURULÉ Birth: La Rochelle, France |
herself | |
Marriage: November 9, 1699 — Bernalillo, New Mexico |
3 years son |
Antonio GURULÉ Baptism: April 2, 1703 — Bernalillo, New Mexico Death: April 18, 1761 |
Marriage | Marriage Notes for Santiago Gurulé and Elena Gallegos: 1699, Nov. 9 (no. 5), San Felipe, Bernalillo. SANTIAGO GROLE, native of La Rothela in the French Realms, baptized in the church of St. Jean, son of Yvon Grole and Maria Odon (Odoe ?), both deceased, and doña Elena Gallegos (19), native of Bernalillo, daughter of Antonio Gallegos and doña Catarina Baca. Groom left France in company of the General Marshall de la Salle in search of continental region bordering on New France; was captive of infidel Indians for 5 years; then went to Spain by order of Viceroy Conde de Galve; back in Mexico City, he then came to New Mexico as a settler. Witnesses: Pedro de Chaves, notary; Pedro Meusnier (26), native of Paris in France who knew groom for 15 years; Juan de Archibec (27), native of Ballona in France who also knew groom for 15 years; Baltasar Romero, Pedro Lopez, Felipe Gutierrez (40), Mestizo. |
Fact | Excerpt from The Elena Gallegos Land Grant by Henrietta M. Christmas and Angela Lewis, New Mexico Genealogist March 2015: Vol. 54, No. 1 There is no doubt that Elena Gallegos lived her entire life in the Rio Abajo region near the villa of Albuquerque and married a Frenchman named Santiago “Jaques” Grolet (Gurulé). Grolet (1663-1711) was a good friend of Jean L’archibeque. Both men were arrested, jailed, sentenced to Spain, returned to Mexico City, and then made their way back to New Mexico as citizens. Both men married New Mexican women and made this place their home after the Pueblo Revolt. Santiago Gurulé married Elena Gallegos on 9 November 1699 at San Felipe, Bernalillo, New Mexico. Santiago Gurulé would not live long into old age as he died about 1711, around the age of 48. Elena (1680-1731) spent the rest of her days a widow, caring for her only son Antonio on the lands that she describes were purchased by her and her husband. Little is actually known about her life except that she left a will, a brand, and a legacy that still to this day uses her name on one of the largest land grants in the Albuquerque area. One cannot come to Albuquerque without encountering the name Elena Gallegos. Her name is on a park, a land grant, open space, and picnic areas. Her name is also depicted on maps, signage, brochures, and the Internet. |
Will | Elena Gallegos Will from New Mexico Genealogist March 2015: Vol. 54, No. 1 In the name of God Almighty and at the Blessed Cross the Ever Virgin Mary and the glorious Saint Joseph her most pure spouse and of my Holy Guardian Angel and of the Saint of my name and of the Holy Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul and the other Saints of the Court of Heaven; I, Elena Gallegos, say that I believe really and truly in the mystery of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the separate persons and one God, and I protest that I wish to live and die acknowledging this truth and all the Articles of Faith and all that which our Holy Mother Church believes and acknowledges, and I believe that Jesus Christ our Lord is the author of the Sacraments, and I wish to be and I am submissive to His Holy will. First I say that if God our Lord should be pleased to remove me through this illness, for the relief of my conscience and the salvation of my soul I made this testimony memorandum in the form following: 1st [torn and illegible] which he created and redeemed with His most precious blood and body to the earth of which it was formed. Item - I direct that if God should remove me that my body shall be shrouded in the habit of my Father St. Frances. Item - That it be buried in the church of my parish at this Villa of Albuquerque near to the font of Holy Water and I ask that this be for the love of God. Item - That my burial be solemnized with a high Mass and Vigil and that the other ceremonies be at the discretion of my executors. Item - I ask that my burial and funeral which I have asked for be of the most humble because of my being a poor widow. First: I declare that I was married according to the rites of the church to Santiago de Gurule for the time of 12 years in which time we had and procreated one son who is called Antonio de Gurule whom I constitute my legal heir. Item- I declare that when I married I had nothing. First I direct that to the forced bequests there be given six dollars to the 3 bequests and I request that sum from my property. Item - I declare my property. Second which I secured after marriage together with my husband to be as follows - 1st This tract of land and my dwelling house with its irrigating ditch and cultivated land, segregating from it a piece of land which I give to my brother Felipe Gallegos which he has had cut off to him according to its boundaries will appear by the instrument of donation, and this was done with the full consent of my son. Item - I have 32 head of branded neat cattle Item - Two yoke of oxen with their yokes Item - 12 mares with their service jack and 2 colts, one 2 year red and the other one year old. Item - 2 mules-one jenny and one jack Item - 2 silk petticoats, one shawl, one silk mantilla, one silk dress pattern some coral bracelets, one reliquary with silver frame and one chest of Michoacán wood all that which is mentioned it is my last will to leave it to my granddaughter Manuela. Item - I declare that all [torn page] to be of my son to whom I leave it as my legal heir. Item - I direct that there be given to my brother Felipe Gallegos 3 mares and one yearling one riding two and separate from my property. Item - I declare that it is my last will to leave and I do leave my son Antonio Gurule my legal heir, executor, guardian and custodian of my property and he accepted and agreed to carry out all that is above offered. Item - I direct that this my last will be observed and carried into effect. Item - I declare that another will which I made and which was authorized by Captain Tiburcio de Ortega I revoke and annul and that this one only shall stand and having set blank all my interests and indebtedness I pray that the Alcalde Mayor of the Jurisdiction will interpose his authority in order that this my testament may have the force and vigor that may be requisite and it is made on the first of May of 1731 and she did not sign because she did not know how, and Phelipe Gallegos signed at her request. On the 1st day of May 1731, I the Capt. John Gonzales, Alcalde Mayor and War Capt. of this said town ofAlbuquerque certify that this testament was executed before me as juez receptor with two assisting witnesses and the instrumental witnesses in the absence of a notary public or royal their being none in the Kingdom and on the present paper because the stamped paper is not current in this Kingdom on said day month and year et supra. At the request of Elena Gallegos Phelipe Gallegos Before me as juez receptor, Juan Gonzales Bas Assisting Witnesses: Joseph de Quintana, Joseph Montaño, Phelipe Gallegos and Juan Griego. It agrees with the original from which I the Capt. Juan Gonzales Bas Alcalde Mayor and War Capt. Of this town of Albuquerque had it literally copied and it is corrected examined and compared with the original to which I refer and Joseph de Quintana and Pedro Lucero were present when it was made and they signed it as witnesses on the 6 Feb 1732. In testimony to the truth I set my usual signature and rubric Juan Gonzales Bas (rubric) Wit: Joseph de Quintana (rubric) and Joseph Montaño (rubric) |
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