Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Paulino MOLINAR1910

Given names
Baptism of a sisterMaria Eleuteria Dolores MOLINAR
March 30, 1857
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Maria Eleuteria Dolores Molinar Rojo
Death of a paternal grandfatherDimas MOLINAR
1866 Age: 60
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1987 For Dimas Molinar
MarriageBirjinia ORDOÑOSView this family
May 7, 1879
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Paulino Molinar
Battle of Cerro Prieto
December 10, 1910
Note: Pulino Molinar was killed in the days before the big battle at Cerro Prieto. It is unclear whether h…
Death December 11, 1910 Age: 59
Note: Witnesses state Pauline Molinar was killed by Federal Troops in a Battle on Cerro De la Cruz near Ce…

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Birjinia ORDOÑOS - View this family
Marriage: May 7, 1879Purísima Concepción, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico


Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Paulino Molinar Gender: Hombre (Male) Record Type: matrimonio (Marriage) Marriage Date: 7 may. 1879 Marriage Place: Purísima Concepción, Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mexico Father: Blas Molinar Mother: Monica Bojo Spouse: Birjinia Ordoñes Page Number: 18 Entry Number: 53


Pulino Molinar was killed in the days before the big battle at Cerro Prieto. It is unclear whether he was a Revolutionary solder or was one of the 30 citizens who were seized in the city and taken outside the city and shot.


Wounded Insurgents Bayoneted by Order of the Federal Commander Thirty Parsons Who Refused to Testify Are Shot

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.— The federal troops have routed the revolutionists in Chihuahua and captured the city of Guerrero, according to a telegram received today by the state department from Ambassador Wilson in Mexico City. "This cleared the state of Chihuahua - and other parts of the country" said Wilson, "of all organized resistance to the government. No Prisoners Taken"

AT THE FRONT - RANCHO SANTIAGO, near Pedernales, Dec. 12 via El Paso, Tex - Dec. 14. — In yesterday's engagement the revolutionists fought General Navarro to a standstill, although inferior in numbers. Seventy four persons were killed. Navarro took no prisoners — it is contrary to his orders— and in his camp today there were no wounded of the other side. The bayonet had completed the work of the, bullet.

A horrible instance of the barbarity of the campaign 'occurred after the battle. Every man in the hamlet of Cerro Prieto (dark hill) was brought before the mayor, to prove his Innocence of participation in the revolt. Thirty could not do this. As fast as their identity became known they were taken out and shot. They are included in the number of dead.

General Navarra places his own dead at one captain, one lieutenant and 12 soldiers. Twenty-seven." of his men, including two officers who were severely wounded. Among the latter was General Brandon, special correspondent of the Mexican Herald.

Five insurgents who ran out of ammunition and surrendered were bayoneted. One of them, who had fainted from a bullet which grazed his temple, took the bayonet thrust in the rib and was left for dead, but during the night recovered and escaped. He grinned as he told his story.; When the correspondent related the tale to General Navarro today the latter laughed heartily as if enjoying a joke on himself.

The battle began "at 11 a. m.. and lasted until 4 p.m. and. occurred at the village of Cerro Prieto, 100 miles west of Chihuahua, at the base of two low hills nine miles east of here. Two hundred revolutionists had occupied the hills during the previous night. When General Navarro with passed east of the hills the insurgents opened flre, but did little damage owing to the distance.

Later, when the field pieces came up, Navarro shelled them from their position. The revolutionists retreated slowly, firing from the shelter of adobe houses which dot the mesa. At 4 o'clock, their ammunition having run, low, they took up a position at the base of a range of low mountains five miles southwest of Cerro Prieto. The most serious loss suffered by the revolutionists occurred in an adobe house in which they had taken cover, a shell wrecking the place, killing and wounding several, but not before they had accounted for a number of the enemy.

General Navarro's official report places the number of insurgent dead in Sunday's battle at 80.


Witnesses state Pauline Molinar was killed by Federal Troops in a Battle on Cerro De la Cruz near Cerro Prieto on Dec 11, 1910. He was buried 5 days later at the place he died. He was survived by eight children.

Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Deaths, 1861-1981 ForPaulino Molinar Gender: Hombre (Male) Age: 59 Birth Year: abt 1852 Death Registration Date: 19 jul. 1911 Death Registration Place: Cerro Prieto, Chihuahua, México (Mexico) Spouse: Virginia Ordoñez Father: Blas Molinar Mother: Monica Rojo

DeathPaulino Molinar Death Registration Page 1Paulino Molinar Death Registration Page 1
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