Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


Given names
Birth about 1646 22
Birth of a brotherDiego DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA
about 1653 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherFrancisco DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA
about 1656 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a brotherAntonio DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA
about 1661 (Age 15 years)
Note: [Pg 35, Revolt, Part 2] In his 1681 muster record in El Paso Maestre de Campo Tomé stated he had one son (unnamed) remaining in the household, aged 20. This must have been Antonio since the other living sons are all listed separately.
Death of a motherCatalina LOPEZ de MEDEROS
before 1680 (Age 34 years)

Note: Apparently. No death record for Catalina Lopez de Mederos exists but in in the Sept 1681 muster Tomé claimed to be married and he and his second wife Catalina Varela produced several children in the 1680s.
Death of a brotherTomé DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA LOPEZ de MEDEROS
August 1680 (Age 34 years)
Cause: Injuries from fighting Indian insurgents
Note: Witnesses at the musters of Spanish Survivors in 1681 attested that Tomé was killed by the enemy dur…
Note: Here is statement given in October of 1681 in which Sargent Mayor Tome's father begins to explain wh…
Residence about 1680 (Age 34 years)
Note: This excerpt from CHIHUAHUA, APUNTES PARA SU HISTORIA is probably referring to Juan, son of Tomé.
New Mexico Muster of Men at El Paso
September 1681 (Age 35 years)
Note: [Pg 35, Revolt, Part 2] Captain Juan Dominguez de Mendoza, married, thirty—five years of age, passed muster with his person, a full complement of personal arms, and six gentle horses. He declared he had no arms or horses belonging to his Majesty. He so swore before God and a cross in the presence of his lordship, before me, the secretary. He signed it. Antonio oE OTERMiN (rubric); JUAN Dominguez de Mendoza (rubric). Before me, Francisco Xavier, secretary of government and war (rubric)
Baptism of a half-sisterCathalina de la Rosa DOMINGUEZ
August 20, 1687 (Age 41 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Cathalina Domingues Caravajal
Baptism of a half-sisterJuana DOMINGUEZ de VARELA
March 28, 1690 (Age 44 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Juana Domingez Varela
Baptism of a half-brotherSalvador DOMINGUEZ de VARELA
August 1, 1696 (Age 50 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Salvador Dominguez Barela
Baptism of a half-sisterElena DOMINGUEZ de VARELA
May 19, 1699 (Age 53 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Baptisms, 1560-1950 For Elena Domingues Varela
Death of a fatherTomé “El Mozo” DOMINGUEZ de MENDOZA
about 1700 (Age 54 years)

Note: Tome's youngest child Elena was born in 1699 and Tomé was deceased at the time of his daughter Josepha's marriage in 1701.
Death of a half-brotherFrancisco Xavier de CHAVES
1764 (Age 118 years)
Note: The following record indicates Francisco died in 1762 but other documents in Parral having his signa…

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1642
younger brother
-9 years
8 years
younger brother
9 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Unknown - View this family
Father’s family with Catalina VARELA de LOSADA - View this family
3 years
9 years
-3 years


This excerpt from CHIHUAHUA, APUNTES PARA SU HISTORIA is probably referring to Juan, son of Tomé.

"The Captain of the Militias Don Juan Domínguez de Mendoza was originally from Isleta, New Mexico, but had settled in 1673 in Parral; There he married Rosa Márquez and later settled in Cusihuiriáchic when these mines were discovered.

In 1708 he registered the mine called “El Carmen” in Santa Eulalia, which he later sold to General José de Orio y Zubiate. Some time later he devoted himself to exploiting the mine of "San Alejo" and that of "Nuestra Señora de la Piedad", associated with the General Pedro de Arizaga. It also had fourteen other bars in the "San Juan de Dios" mine, which was later transferred to Captain Andrés Facundo Carbonel."


[Pg 35, Revolt, Part 2] Captain Juan Dominguez de Mendoza, married, thirty—five years of age, passed muster with his person, a full complement of personal arms, and six gentle horses. He declared he had no arms or horses belonging to his Majesty. He so swore before God and a cross in the presence of his lordship, before me, the secretary. He signed it. Antonio oE OTERMiN (rubric); JUAN Dominguez de Mendoza (rubric). Before me, Francisco Xavier, secretary of government and war (rubric)