Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Maria Josepha BELMONTES1768

Maria Josepha BELMONTES
Given names
Maria Josepha
Note: This is likely a daughter of the same family but the mother's surname is Rodriguez.
Baptism August 6, 1768
Note: Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Maria Josepha
Burial of a sisterMaria Dominga BELMONTES
April 6, 1831 (Age 62 years)
Note: Mexico, Select Deaths, 1680-1940 For Maria Dominga Belmontes
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 8, 1752San Antonio de Cuauhtemoc, Cusihuiriachic, Chihuahua, Mexico
3 months
elder sister
21 months
elder sister
Luisa Yndacora BELMONTES
Baptism: June 9, 1754 30San Antonio de Cuauhtemoc, Cusihuiriachic, Chihuahua, Mexico
4 years
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
elder sister


Chihuahua, Mexico, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 For Maria Josepha [Maria Josepha Belmontes Rodriguez] Gender: Mujer (Female) Record Type: bautismo (Baptism) Baptism Date: 6 ago. 1768 (6 Aug 1768) Baptism Place: Santa Rosa, Cusihuiriáchic, Chihuahua, Mexico Father: Miguel Belmontes Mother: Maria Luiza Rodriguez Page Number: 102


This is likely a daughter of the same family but the mother's surname is Rodriguez.

BaptismBaptism of Maria Josepha Belmontes, 1768, Santa Rosa ParishBaptism of Maria Josepha Belmontes, 1768, Santa Rosa Parish
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