Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Domingo MARTIN SERRANOAge: 83 years16521735

Given names
Note: Domingo Martín Serrano was born circa 1649-1658 in New Mexico, “long face, thick beard, long black h…
Birth about 1652
Death of a fatherCapitán Luis MARTIN SERRANO I
November 1661 (Age 9 years)
Note: Oct 29, 1661: Luis Martin Serrano, held the post of Alcade Mayor and War Captain at La Cañada. Luis wrote requesting payment for 80 fanegas of corn and ten fanegas of wheat...A month later his wife Catalina Salazar described herself as widow of Captain Luis Martin.
MarriageJosefa HERRERAView this family
about 1670 (Age 18 years)

Census September 1680 (Age 28 years) Age: 32
Note: "On the said day there passed muster before his lordship
Residence October 6, 1681 (Age 29 years)

Note: UAir >Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile
Birth of a son
about 1687 (Age 35 years)
ResidenceJosefa HERRERAView this family
September 1690 (Age 38 years)
EventJosefa HERRERAView this family
Agreed to Return to New Mexico
December 1692 (Age 40 years)
Note: In December 1692, she and her mother, Juana de los Reyes, were enumerated in the household of Domingo Martín Serrano as settlers willing to go to northern New Mexico; Kessell, Hendricks, and Dodge, To the Royal Crown Restored, 60. Josefa de Herrera was identified as a native of New Mexico by her daughter, Josefa Martín, as part of the prenuptial investigation when Josefa Martín sought to marry in 1719.
Birth of a son
about 1697 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childBlas MARTINRosa MACHUCA VARGASView this family
February 1, 1705 (Age 53 years)
Note: Also, summarized on
Census 1707 (Age 55 years)
Note: 1707 Census of the Jurisdiction of La Villa Nueva de Santa Cruz
Death of a wifeJosefa HERRERA
before 1725 (Age 73 years)

Note: Domingo Martín was identified as the widower of Josefa de Herrera when he sought to marry Juana Baptista in April 1725; Chávez, “New Mexico Roots, Ltd.,” 1105, DM 1725, April 15, no. 11, Santa Cruz.
Burial February 27, 1735 (Age 83 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Josefa HERRERA - View this family
Marriage: about 1670
Birth: about 1697 45New Mexico, Nueva España
Death: December 12, 1772Santa Clara Mission, New Mexico


"On the said day there passed muster before his lordship Domingo Martín Serrano, married, thirty-two years of age, with his person and a horse, having no arms or anything else. He declared that he is ready to serve his Majesty."

Muster at end of retreat from Pueblo Revolt of 1680.


UAir >Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile SERRANO, DOMINGO MARTIN BID Number 16810 Birth 1649: NEW MEXICO Occupation 1681 Oct 06: EL PASO/NONE Marriage N.D.: N.P./MARRIED Notes AS SETTLERS TO NEW MEXICO WITH GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY OF MONEY AND SUPPLIES. Other Information PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION GIVEN AZU FILM 2182, SANM, REEL 1, F. 0253.

They were part of the Spanish refugees of the Indian Uprising of 1680 who had gathered near El Paso.

"On the said day there enlisted as a settler Domingo Martín Serrano, a native of New Mexico, married, who has as distinguishing marks a good stature, long face, thick beard, long black hair, and is thirty-two years of age. He received the salary in goods, like the others, and was given a ploughshare, an axe, and 4 hoes"


In December 1692, she and her mother, Juana de los Reyes, were enumerated in the household of Domingo Martín Serrano as settlers willing to go to northern New Mexico; Kessell, Hendricks, and Dodge, To the Royal Crown Restored, 60. Josefa de Herrera was identified as a native of New Mexico by her daughter, Josefa Martín, as part of the prenuptial investigation when Josefa Martín sought to marry in 1719.


1707 Census of the Jurisdiction of La Villa Nueva de Santa Cruz

  1. Domingo Martín md. with Josefa [de Herrera] has 9 persons [PR/PR]

The largest family groups were the Martín Serrano clan consisting of 18 households, the Madrid-Serna-Durán clan with 8 households, and the Luján clan with 6 households. The Martín Serrano and Luján families owned land and resided in La Cañada and the Chimayó area since the early to mid-1600s.

Abbreviations of origins of individuals: PR = Pre-Revolt; MC = Mexico City Recruit; Sold. = Soldier Recruit; VR = Vargas Recruit


Domingo Martín Serrano was born circa 1649-1658 in New Mexico, “long face, thick beard, long black hair;” buried February 27, 1735, Santa Cruz, With issue.