Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Josefa Jimenes1849

Josefa Jimenes
Given names
Married name
Also known as
Josefa Gimenez
Birth of a son
Juan Crisostomo FLORES
Birth of a daughter
Dominga FLORES
MarriageAlejo FLORESView this family
February 15, 1846
Note: Mexico Marriages for Juan Jose Flores
Marriage of a childJuan Jose FLORESJosefa GARCIAView this family
February 15, 1846
Marriage of Juan Jose Flores in 1846
Marriage of Juan Jose Flores in 1846

Note: Record shows Alejo Flores and Josefa Gimenez as his parents.

Marriage of a childAntonio SOTELODominga FLORESView this family
Type: Religious marriage
June 23, 1849 Husband: 22 Wife: 20
Source: "México matrimonios, 1570-1950," database, FamilySearch
Note: Mexico Marriages For Antonio Sotelo
Death 1849

Note: In the 1849 marriage for Antonio Sotelo and Josefa's daughter it was stated that Josefa was deceased.

Mexico Marriages for Juan Jose Flores Spouse's Name Josefa Garcia Event Date 15 Feb 1846 Father's Name Alejo Flores Mother's Name Josefa Quintana


In the 1849 marriage for Antonio Sotelo and Josefa's daughter it was stated that Josefa was deceased.

Media objectMarriage of Juan Jose Flores in 1846Marriage of Juan Jose Flores in 1846
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Image dimensions: 1,555 × 883 pixels
File size: 181 KB
Type: Photo
Note: Record shows Alejo Flores and Josefa Gimenez as his parents.