Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Antonio Jose LOBATO1737

Antonio Jose LOBATO
Given names
Antonio Jose
Also known as
Alcade Mayor Antonio Joseph Lobato
Also known as
Antonio Lobato
Birth about 1737 22 10
Note: Reportedly, born in Ojo Caliente, New Mexico
Death of a maternal grandmotherRosa MACHUCA VARGAS
March 5, 1745 (Age 8 years)
Note: "Rosa Machuca, and 60 years more or less, m. Blas Martin, buried in this church."
Baptism of a brotherJuan Augustin LOBATO
September 5, 1746 (Age 9 years)
Note: UAIR Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile For LOBATO, JUAN JOSE
Baptism of a sisterMaria Rosa LOBATO
January 12, 1749 (Age 12 years)
Note: New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918 For Maria Rosa Lovato
Death of a fatherJuan Jose LOBATO
January 17, 1758 (Age 21 years)
MarriageMargarita MARTINView this family
May 23, 1758 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Maria Paula LOBATO
November 15, 1763 (Age 26 years)
Baptism of a daughterMaria Paula LOBATO
December 1, 1763 (Age 26 years)
Note: Maria Paula Christening Date 1 Dec 1763
Death of a maternal grandfatherBlas MARTIN
after 1766 (Age 29 years)

CensusMargarita MARTINView this family
1790 (Age 53 years)
Note: Uair Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile
Burial of a daughterMaria Paula LOBATO
March 6, 1814 (Age 77 years)
Note: Our Lady of Guadalupe burial records
Family with parents - View this family
Juan Jose LOBATO
Birth: about 1715Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Nueva España
Death: January 17, 1758San Juan De Los Caballeros, San Juan, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
Marriage: December 27, 1733San Juan De Los Caballeros, San Juan, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
4 years
12 years
younger sister
Maria Rosa LOBATO
Baptism: January 12, 1749 34 22San Juan De Los Caballeros, San Juan, Rio Arriba, New Mexico
-2 years
younger brother
Family with Margarita MARTIN - View this family
Marriage: May 23, 1758Picuris, New Mexico
6 years


Reportedly, born in Ojo Caliente, New Mexico


Uair Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile LOVATO, ANTTONIO JOSE BID Number 12663 Birth 1737: N.P. Occupation 1790: TAOS/DON, FARMER (LABRADOR) Ethnicity CRIOLLO Marriage N.D.: N.P./MARTIN, MARGARITA Notes SPOUSE AGE 47, CRIOLLA, DONA SourcesSANM NO. 23, FR. 259 Family (unnnamed)THREE SONS (31, 17 AND 12) ONE DAUGHTER (9) Residents (unnamed) MALE (12) (SERVANT, INDIO) TWO FEMALES (26 AND 14) (SERVANTS, INDIAS)