Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Diego MARQUEZ1729

Given names
MarriageJuana Josefa MARTIN SERRANOView this family

Petition for New Land at Yunque (Chamita)
Note: Diego Marquez was one of the men requesting to move to new land north of Santa Cruz near the junctio…
Marriage of a childPablo Manuel TRUJILLOFrancisca MARQUEZView this family
September 8, 1727
Death April 1729
Note: His will (partial):

Diego Marquez was one of the men requesting to move to new land north of Santa Cruz near the junction of the chama and Rio del Norte junction. Bartolomé Lobato wrote a petition to the Governor requesting the move and also wrote a response when it was denied.

Lobato wrote: "As it is known, to your Excellency that I entered among the number of the families from Zacatecas, and Cristóbal Rodarte [de Castro] and also Blas Lobato, my brother, came a long time after, and the Villa Nueva [de Santa Cruz] had already been founded and sworn to, and José Madrid and Matías Madrid, at the time of the [founding of the] said settlement, were soldiers of the company under your charge at the garrison of El Paso. Likewise, at the garrison at that time, serving their parents, were DIEGO MARQUEZ and Simón de Córdova, whom your Excellency must have known, and Andrés González a soldier of this royal garrison, and Tomás Bejarano, a resident of this Villa de Santa Fe, and Sebastián Durán, also a resident of this Villa de Santa Fe


His will (partial):

Diego Marquez ~ Will 1729

I, Diego Marquez, state that I am sick in bed from an accident and do make this testament.

I name as my executor, my wife, Juana Martin.

First I was married in the church to Juana Martin Serrano, my wife, above mentioned, we had three children which are: Maria Estella Marques, Francisca Marques and Diego Marques, and I declare to be jointly with my wife, my legitimate children and heirs.

I order that my body be buried in the church of the new villa of Santa Cruz, at a place which my wife may choose. ....

I the General don Juan Domingo de Bustamante, Governor and Captain General of this Kingdom of New Mexico. Whereas, Diego Marques, a resident of the new villa of Santa Cruz died leaving children and his wife, in compliance with my duty, attending, as I ought to attend, to the minors and the widow, I order the Secretary of Government and War to the said villa, to make an inventory of the property which was left on account of the death of said deceased. Paying for the funeral and burial and debts if there are any. Of the reminder, one half shall go, to the wife, for property acquired during her marriage and the rest shall be divided in equal parts among the heirs, giving their full share to the married ones, as far as the youngest one is concerned, his share shall be left in the care of his legitimate guardian. Signed at Santa Fe on March 10, 1729

References: Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Twitchell #513, Series, 1, Reel 3, Frames 742-754. Posted by Henrietta M. Christmas, 1598nm,