Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Baltazar de TRUJILLOAge: 70 years16701740

Baltazar de TRUJILLO
Given names
Baltazar de
Birth about 1670 15
MarriageNicolasa de la CRUZ ESPINOSAView this family

Note: Baltazar's known children by his wife Nicolasa de la Cruz Espinosa were: María, born 29 Dec 1704 and…
Baptism of a sonPablo Manuel TRUJILLO
January 31, 1709 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childPablo Manuel TRUJILLOFrancisca MARQUEZView this family
September 8, 1727 (Age 57 years)
MarriageInes GONZALEZ BASView this family
1728 (Age 58 years)

Death June 17, 1740 (Age 70 years) Age: 70
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Nicolasa de la CRUZ ESPINOSA - View this family
Family with Ines GONZALEZ BAS - View this family
Marriage: 1728


15 Mar 1706, in Santa Fé, Juan Trujillo gave testimony in the case of alleged bigamy of Diego Arias de Quirós. In this testamony, Juan referred to his son Baltasar Trujillo, who had given testimony two days earlier that he was the son of Juan Trujillo and Elivira Jiménez. Juan declared he was a "mestizo married to Ana de Herrera, Spanish, and was the son of Cristóbal Trujillo and his legitimate wife, María de Sandoval, coyota." He also stated that he was sixty years of age and a native of New Mexico.

"Revised Trujillo Family Genealogy," Herencia, 19:2, pp. 3-4


Baltazar's known children by his wife Nicolasa de la Cruz Espinosa were: María, born 29 Dec 1704 and Pablo Manuel, 31 Jan 1709, who married Francisca Márquez at Pojoaque in Sep 1728.

Baltazar Trujillo resided at Pojoaque in 1710 when he declared himself to be a native of New Mexico and forty years old. He belonged to the Conquistadora Confraternity. He purchased lands in Taos which he sold back to the original owner around the year 1725.

As a "widower of Pojoaque," Baltasar married "Ynez, widow of Albuquerque," on May 8 May 1728. He and this Ynez González Bas were sponsors together in 1739. He died at Pojoaque, 17 Jun 1740.