Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Antonio Francisco MARQUEZ

Antonio Francisco MARQUEZ
Given names
Antonio Francisco
Census September 13, 1681 Age: 22
Note: On the said day there passed muster Francisco Márquez, who had just arrived from the jurisdiction of El Paso. He is married, is twenty-two years of age, and appeared with his person, without equipment or arms of any kind except three gentle horses. He declared that he is in good health and is humbly obedient to everything that he may be ordered to do in his Majesty's royal service. He so swore before God and a cross, and did not sign because of not knowing how
Received Carbine
November 4, 1681
Address: Plaza de Armas
Note: 100 carbines were distributed to the displaced settlers gathered around El Paso after the Pueblo Upr…
November 7, 1681
Address: Place of El Ancón de Fray Garcia
Note: Antonio Francisco Marquez passed muster with five gentle horses and all personal arms, but without horse-armor.
Death of a sonDiego MARQUEZ
April 1729
Note: His will (partial):

On the said day there passed muster Francisco Márquez, who had just arrived from the jurisdiction of El Paso. He is married, is twenty-two years of age, and appeared with his person, without equipment or arms of any kind except three gentle horses. He declared that he is in good health and is humbly obedient to everything that he may be ordered to do in his Majesty's royal service. He so swore before God and a cross, and did not sign because of not knowing how


100 carbines were distributed to the displaced settlers gathered around El Paso after the Pueblo Uprising. Among them:

  1. On the said day Captain Antonio Márquez took another carbine, and so that it may be recorded he signed it before me, the said secretary. FRANCISCO XAViER, secretary of government and war (rubric).
  2. On the said day Francisco Márquez took a carbine. He did not sign because of not knowing how, and I, the said secretary, signed it. FRANCISCO XAVIER, secretary of government and war (rubric).

Antonio Francisco Marquez passed muster with five gentle horses and all personal arms, but without horse-armor.